Would Blondie or Mary ever make it as Elders in your old Congregation?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 30 Replies latest watchtower bible


    We know the WTS will never except woman as Elders.In the last year as a member of JWD,I have learned more from Blondie and Mary than any elder in my congregation.All the Elders in my congregation look like they go thru the motions.They are more like policy enforcers than teachers.

    Do you think that by excepting woman, some men would be embarassed to how little they know? Does the WTS know some woman would better teachers? Is it more like a men's club? What are they afraid of? Is it because if a man and woman Elder would be together in the same room in an Elders meeting,they would somehow think more about passion than business?

    We know they teach woman can't teach but in the New Testament is was alright to have slaves.Slavery was done away . It seems some teachings can change but not others.

    Thank you BLONDIE and MARY!

  • truthsetsonefree

    You bet ya. Which is why those morons will always keep that organization male dominated.


  • zarco

    They would make great elders and would probably embarrass 95 percent of the male elders. Obviously in the first century congregation, women fulfilled a valuable role in prophesy and evangelism.

    In my early secular career I worked for a brilliant female professional. It was the most rewarding experience. I suspect that the use of some of the best female leadership in the WT would likely produce similar results.



    Both of them would have had my vote and there is no doubt they would have done a LOT BETTER than the ones I came across, Bring back Ruth etc.. I also have gained much from both of them, allow me to, at this point, to say to both, a BIG THANK YOU.


  • bernadette


    thanks Blondie and Mary.

    Scully for CO?

  • TowerWatch

    I think the average Elder would be very intimidated by Blondie or Mary.

    I remember three or four very intelligent, well-informed women in my old congregation and I always wondered how they felt being guided by men who didn’t have a fraction of their knowledge.

    What a sad situation!

    They both have my vote!


  • NewYork44M

    I have know a few women in the congregations I attended that knew far more than the elder body combined.

    These sisters were alway branded as troublemakers and belittled by fellow elders. I have heard elders use terms such as elder-wannabe and elderette to discount their comments and observations.

    I used to sit in elder meetings and think to my self that the only qualification most of these a**holes have is a penis. I somewhat doubted that qualification for a few of my fellow elders.

    There is no question that Blondie, Mary and many others are leaders and teachers. Those qualifications, however, mean nothing unless you can pee standing up.

  • TowerWatch
    We know they teach woman can't teach but in the New Testament is was alright to have slaves.

    I think women did more teaching in New Testament days than the Watchtower cares to admit.


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I have been constantly amazed at the intelligence and knowledge of female posters on this board. Most know far more than me. I never realized this before as a JW because they are not given roles in the congregations. What a stupid bunch of chauvanist A-holes. I wonder, under the constructs of the org. however, that if women were given power in an elder capacity, that they would not fall prey to the same mentality. Power always corrupts with indifference. Being nurturers by nature however might give greater compassion overall. You intelligent women wouldn't kick me now out would you? I'd be a good boy.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Those qualifications, however, mean nothing unless you can pee standing up.

    Sorry...couldn't resist.


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