I just wanted to share an encouraging thought with anyone who is struggling to fade away from the Watchtower. Six years ago, when I first started posting here, I was a Ministerial Servant with doubts. My wife was an active sister and my 11 and 12 year old sons were enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School and going out in field service every week along with their 7 year old sister.
There has been a lot of stress and tears along the way, my wife and I often wondered what our future would bring, but I can honestly say that we have made it. We are out!
The influence of the cult is now only felt in the presence of certain 'loyal' family members but such contact is now vanishingly rare. That is a sadness, a price that was paid for the emotional and mental stability of my wife, myself and our children.
I don't want to be insensitive, I know that for many it seems almost impossible to extricate oneself from the Watchtower trap but it is possible. This forum has been invaluable in helping me chart my family's course to freedom, I only hope I've been able to offer something positive in return.
Good luck to all you faders