Congrats nic,
I'm happy you have your immediate family intact with you. Enjoy life now and make new memories for yourself, your wife and your kids. Know that your kids will grow up happy, well adjusted, socialized with other people and most of all able to think freely, ask questions and not be beaten down by a cult.
Always give your children the ability to be themselves, know that they will make mistakes, bad judgements, etc... but you and your wife will now be better able to help them out of bad situations and guide them to making wise choices instead of it being dictated to them and you by outsiders. Your children will be free to children, enage in sports have friends, sleep overs, boyfriends and girlfriends and be better able to handle tough situations and make informed choices. You as a parent will be able to guide them and most of all have an open relationship, make your kids know that whatever their situation they can come to you (and your wife) for straight answers from the heart and not be dragged before disaproving elders to be judged.
I have 3 wonderfull boys (24, 19, 16) they talk to me about everything, sometimes I have to remind that I am their mother and they are giving me TMI , but I'm so happy that they can and do talk to me, even the embarrassing stuff I didn't have that type of childhood, could not talk to my parents (dad elder and mom super Jdub), I made some bad choices in my teenage years and had no guidance because of this, always too scared to be brought before the elders, you know the good old fear and intimidation.
Anyway, good luck, keep us posted