so I didn't show up at the meeting last night and they haven't called me. I thought for sure they would call from the Kingdom Hall to see if I'm coming. I await their second "meeting" with me, for sure after I don't show up for the next counsel session I'll be DF. I'm getting nervous now. This is all so new to me.
Should I wait to be questioned by the elders? or take my leave in advance?
by Thinking of Leaving 62 Replies latest jw experiences
You're doing fine, TOL.
Don't feel threatened by these bozo's. You are in charge of your own life....
Do and say what you want to do and what you feel right about in your heart...
I stopped going 3 1/2 years ago. I haven't heard a word from them, even though by all rights I should be DF'd
They'll drop you like a hot rock, but you'll be better for it.