Look at this video on YouTube, it was just sent to me today. I almost wet myselfwith laughter!!!
Hilarious video on YouTube !! - "I Love Pioneering"
by dorayakii 20 Replies latest jw friends
OH.......MY......G..G..GIDDY AUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bloody Nora!! I need a bucket.
Have you read the sickly sweet comments made by JW viewers??
I tell ya.....i'm in SHOCK!! Haha
Nice one dude.
this was posted here a week or so ago..
i thought it was creepy.... the way they finally reach a child home alone.
here's the link to the thread about it
LOL. That's both very stupid and very well made. Some real talents trapped in a silly cause...
Promoting the indoctrination of children will probably trigger some strong reactions.
Btw nice to see you dorayakii
(Edit: I obviously missed the first thread.)
Btw nice to see you dorayakii
Thank you Narkissos, I've not been posting for a while, I've had quite a difficult 3 months recently and not really felt like talking about it. However, I'll post a thread soon with my story when I have the time and energy to do so. Things are going quite well at the moment, just a bit hectic...
If you thought that vid was funny, have a look at this one:
(Again, one scene centres around two boys sitting on their own watching TV, when they "should" be opening the door to a creepy stranger with x-ray vision who's physically stronger than them... and, is it me, or is the Middle-East scene ever so slightly racist?)
Dorayakii, of the antitypical Aching-Sides Class
Oh yeah, cause it's so respectful of other parents to leave brainwashing literature with their children!
I think somebody needs to do a claymation of what happens after they give you a magazine and you become a dubby.LOL
Nathan Natas
please leave comments telling the brothers what an inspired work they did.
<tongue placed firmly in cheek>