One thing that I've thought a lot about would probably make some people very mad at me, but one of the coolest things I can imagine seeing would be Hitler truly being sorry for what he did and a million jews sincerely forgiving him. And then, all of them, along with all of us too, living together forever. Of course this makes me an apostate. HA HA HA!
I think the page mentions Hitler as an example. I am reading the most awesome book on this subject. It's called If Grace Is True: Why God Will Save Every Person. It's by two Quaker Ministers that came to embrace Universalism. They mention Hitler as well.
They point out that Peter was given the vision of the sheet with unclean animals and told to eat them. He was also challenged by God to minister to Gentiles. This went against everything he was taught from boyhood, that only Jews would receive salvation. But of course Abraham had been told his seed would bless all mankind, too. It was an adjustment for Peter to embrace this change of thinking. The authors compare their own changes to those of Peter.