You know what chaps my ass is the arrogance of most of these jovies that think "how dare" any ex-dub be in their presence.
Bumping into J Dubs
by beautifulisfree 23 Replies latest jw friends
I don't bump into anyone, but it seems every corner I turn there's a Kingdom Hall.
Good Girl or Bad Girl?
Last time I saw this one elder in particular at the store, he makes it really obvious he doesn't think much of me. At least that's the vibe I get from the rude looks I've encountered from him. But the last time I ran into him, I looked him right in the eyes and genuinly smiled at him. he didn't know what to do, he looked away. And for some reason I felt really liberated.
Wow, Mis, that is really great! Good for you! A group of JW's walked into the bar I was at one Tuesday night about three or four months ago. It was strange. They were all in their meeting clothes and they all walked right by me and pretended they didn't know me. The waitress said my name as she handed me my credit card, and right at the same moment that this guy I had once been friends with was walking by the table and he glanced at me but quickly looked away. So there is no question in my mind that the entire group knew it was me. Yet they ALL acted as though I was a stranger. I knew every last one of them. I didn't regard them as people I knew either, but I felt that I was alone, with one girlfriend, and there were about 10 of them, so it seemed that 1 out of 10 should find it within themselves to acknowledge me in some way. Yes, it bothered me. Their message was clear: I was not good enough. But then ironically, or maybe not, one of the girls sends me this card a month ago and she writes that she "misses me so much," and tells me which bookstudy list I'm on, and that she and her husband will "save me a seat." I thought it was such a joke of a card. She couldn't acknowledge my existance when she saw me; why would I ever think her card meant anything!? Anyway... went off on a tangent but the point is, YES it bothers me. I like Mis's approach though. Look them in the eye, smile genuinely, after all, I have done nothing wrong. Neither have you beautifulisfree! -
My wife and I just ran into a couple of those dunderheads. They too, were husband and wife team doing their "spend all your money at Costco shopping." Hammerhead who screwed me years ago (long story) said hi, Mrs Hammerhead didn't, she pretended she didn't see me and said hi to my wife.
Oh no my life is over. The damn sky is falling. Screw her.
Well i have to face them everyday as there are several in my boys small class at school, which is awkward as we all wait in a small area to pick them up.Somedays my son will go and talk to them and i find it hard as i have to get him 2 leavewithme whilst they are right in front of me acting as though i'm invisible.Today he went up to my sis in law and his teacher and i was stood right in front of my s in l and she said to him she'd ring mum or dad and see f he could go to her house soon to play with his cousin- she only mentoned me to him though for the teachers benefit, she will txt hubby but not me.It used to upset me but when she told my hubby that she wasn't scared of the otherjws and if she wanted to talk to me atthe school she would, i realised that she obviously doesnt want to speak to me then which is fine - i'm no longer a last minute babysitter, moneylender nor am i paying a fortune for the electric anymorenowthat i am not having to do all their tumble drying! On the days when J's not at school i still bump into jws cos i have a polish jw family living right next door!One of the mums openeda door for me at the school and i thanked her, she mumbledsomething back i could tell she was embarrassed.But i tell myself they are the ones with the problem and stuck in it and i am the lucky one for The weird thing is like gcbc my hubby hada txt from my old jw friend asking after us all though hes refusing to answer it although i said i don,t mind if he does.He just says if they treat me like that then he doesn't want to know them.This shunning thing has really opened his eyes to what a terrible religion it is so in a way its good they treat me like it cos its put him right off it.
This can be hard for me since I had many friends there. For me its not easy. But "what price freedom?"
I like running into them now, I love to see their faces. They look so freaked out to be in the presence of a DF/apostate person.
I LOVE seeing Witnesses, because I've changed my appearance so dramatically, that they usually start looking at me in the general condemning way, and then they realize its ME.
I dread the day its my mother though.
I don't bump into many jdubs and when I do if I'm with my hubby he usually beats me to the punch and tells them I used to be one (he still doesn't get that I wasn't really one cuz I never got baptised but oh well lol). If I meet one and hubby doesn't say anything then I don't and just watch them. It's fun being on the outside and watching how silly jdubs can be.
It rarely happens these days.
At one point i noticed people crossing the road, thinking i had not seen them.
Now I think of cockraoches, scuttling away at the sight of a bright light. I am that light because i am happier now than I ever was hawking the WTBCS lies.
HB of (the C is in the crap) class.