How many times are they going to study that book. I left the year that it was published 1988 so I never had a chance to study it at bookstudy. But I do have a copy(My mom sent me a copy in 1989 hoping I would return to JW's) and I just can't believe they say the whole book of Revelation was fulfilled by actions of the WT society and Russell and Rutherford. How are JW's going to wiggle around the UN being the beast of Revelations when they were members of the UN as a NGO for over 10 years? Do they still feel that the UN is the beast? Or do they have new light saying that the UN is actually good now? I think with all of their new light it is going to crash right into "old light" and cause many red flags for JW's studying the book.
JW's are studying the "Revelation Climax" book for the 4th time. Why?
by booker-t 18 Replies latest jw friends
it is apocalyptic and talks about the end-times -just the thing to give the work a boost
JW's are studying the "Revelation Climax" book for the 4th time. Why?
Because no matter how much the doctrines change the pictures remain the same.
The FEAR FACTOR from all those horrendous images is usually enough to keep a doubting dub in line with the FDS' policies
Repetition = less unusual and easier to take as fact.
Lady Lee
I went through that one twice while I was in.
I think they are trying to numb them out with sheer boredom until their brains no longer function
Lady Lee makes a good point. Also, considering that they are having a 1975-lite period at this time, nothing gets people thinking about it more than apocalyptic imagery, right? It'll give the elders plenty of time to bring up the "Deliverance Is Near" theme when they look at all the armageddon pictures.
I think it has been 12 years since it was studied last. For those who went through the Babylon the Great (1963) book twice, the Then is Finished the Mystery of God book twice and now the 4th time of the Revelation book, it will seem tedious. In wonder how many people became JWs in the last 12 years who don't understand the intricacies of the WTS interpretation of Revelation? Few new JWs (not even old-timers) study much more than what is assigned if that.
What scriptures would a newbie know? Revelation 21:3,4; Revelation 7:1-14; Revelation 14:1 perhaps are the only ones that are constantly repeated in the publications.
But without a specific date as in the pre-1975 days, few will be energized to put much effort into it. I remember the slow, agonizing book studies when the Isaiah and Daniel WT books were being studied.
Lady Lee
I was a witness for 22 years, studied that book twice, and I still couldn't tell you one thing I remembered from it. And I wouldn't have done any better 22 years ago before I left the WTS
hehe doing a happy dance in my chair - this is the year when I equal the time in with the time out (not including the time before)
IMHO it's all about shoring up their authority.
Remember, everything in Revelation is about them. All the plagues are their conventions and/or their blistering messages,
or something else about THEM.
I think it is being studied to help the faltering ones (and there are many) realise that "this is God's organization"
and they should remain loyal, praise the Lord!!! Sorry, Praise the GB!!!!.
Ah, sweet Revelation, It's Grand Climax At Hand. The quintessential feel-good book for all those who can't wait to see their neighbors killed by God, His son, and the holy angels. Makes me feel warm and tingly all over...