This Greber 'coverup' is disgusting, Isn't it?

by AK - Jeff 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • anewme

    Tell me this isnt true.

    OMG. What a serious scandal.

  • truthsearcher

    But wait! That's not all! If you order membership in the WT Society in the next 20 minutes, we will include for free a copy of the valuable book Angels and Women.

    Pastor Russell, the founder of the Watchtower Society, discovered a book he believed was dictated by a demon to a spirit-medium. He actually believed that some demons could be trusted to tell the truth, so he encouraged a friend to go into business distributing the book to outsiders through the membership as Christmas gifts. Because Russell died in 1916, his successor Joseph Rutherford started to distribute the book in 1924..

  • Core88

    Lady Liberty, I have a thing or two to say about the NWT quote you used, in the table of who, topic I posted, your thoughts? " Post 1530 of 1564 since 17-Mar-06 Jedi Master Dear AK-Jeff, I know your anger!! I felt the same way!! This scripture clearly comes to mind in realizing what they have done: 1 Corinthians 10:21 21 YOU cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons; YOU cannot be partaking of "the table of Jehovah" and the table of demons. Sincerely, Lady Liberty" Corey

  • mcsemike

    To: AK-Jeff

    Your question about what HASN'T the WT lied about was good. I guess the answer is: "The only things the WT hasn't lied about are the things that they haven't written articles about." Seems sarcastic or simplistic, but I feel it's pretty accurate. Every day I continue to find twisted reasoning and outright lies.

    I was reading the National Geographic (an older issue) about Iraq. They clearly proved that Jerusalem was destroyed in 587/586 BC and also mentioned Babylon and 539 BC and the Jews being released. I cannot fathom why the WT insists on 607 when NO ONE with an IQ higher than his shoe size accepts that date.

    Instead of accepting Russell's and Freddie's crackpot ideas and trying to rebuild the entire planet's proven history around them, wouldn't it be more sane to accept the proven dates from the world and THEN see about Bible prophecies?? I mean, these "types" and "anti-types" are not dated to the year, so why the big fuss about defending what cannot be defended?

    I've argued with elders about dating issues and carbon dating. One, who had just barely finished high school, laughed about the methods used today and inferred that the men and women with Doctorates were idiots since they dared to disagree with the WT. It's not the Bible they are disagreeing with, it's the WT. The two are NOT the same. If the Bible said "2+2=5" and Einstein said it was "four", then I could see a problem. But it's the WT that says the answer is "five". The Bible doesn't say. So why is the WT giving math lessons? I took astro-physics, astronomy, and other math and science courses in college (didn't say I got A's, I didn't) and even the little bit I was able to understand clearly proves the WT wrong.

    At my JC hearing, 95 % of the time was spent on 3 elders trying to extract a promise from me that I wouldn't discuss the 607 issue with anyone. The fact that I read both of Ray Franz's books and had cursed God and committed blasphemy took about 5 minutes of their time. Then when I called the meeting a "kangaroo court" to my then separated wife, she snitched to the elders and they wanted to charge me with that. I denied it because I truly didn't remember saying that, but never forgave my wife. When loyalty to 3 asshole elders comes before decades of marriage and a family, then something is very wrong. My divorce present to her will be a life of loneliness. I'm going to meet new people, including women. She can live alone and be alone. A 50 year old woman who prefers to live another 30 years or so alone in every sense of the word instead of having a husband who thinks and tried to help her not waste her life is very sad indeed. This is just another by-product of this cult.

    I know this was off-topic a bit, but the WT does spin webs that radiate outward into uncharted territory at times. How many of us have learned something and then explored it and ended up far away from where we thought we'd be?

  • Farkel

    : I cannot fathom why the WT insists on 607 when NO ONE with an IQ higher than his shoe size accepts that date.

    Short answer: no one on the GB has an IQ higher than his shoe size!

    Longer answer:

    If 607 falls, then 1914 falls, and if 1914 falls then 1918 and 1919 falls, and the whole WTS claim to complete oversight as the FDS and being in charge of ALL of Jesus' belongings on earth falls.

    In short, admitting 607 is wrong will totally remove all religious authority from the WT leaders.

    Why do you think it took the Catholic Church hundreds of years to admit Gallileo was right and they were wrong when they knew he was right for most of those hundreds of years? POWER over people, and a threat to their claim of exclusive religious authority and a direct channel to God, that's why.

    In about 400 more years, give or take, the WTS will admit they were wrong about the 607 date. By then, most people won't give a shit. By 2314 AD dubs might be wondering what kind of "Kingdom Power" and "reigning as the King of Everything" Jesus had been doing for the previous 400 years. They could conclude several things, among these: 1) Jesus is a total loser, or 2) their religious leaders are shameless, self-promoting liars who don't have a clue about what Jesus is or isn't doing these days.

    This scenario is only possible if those lying bastards in Brooklyn last that long and people are willing to believe that crap, that is. I don't see the WTS lasting for many years more. People can only get apocalyptic false prophesies for so long, you know.


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