Anyone ever wonder why ...if there is no hell and we are not going to burn etc etc because God is a loving God......why do we bother because w'all going to die and we are not going to be observing the righteous JW's enjoying through a glass window while we are suffering on the other side......just wondering??
Why worry if there is no hell???
by lost&found 24 Replies latest jw friends
Well that was actually one of the points I pondered right before I left the JW's in 1993. I figured well if there's no hell, then why bother, we will just die and remain unconscious forever, if Im wrong. What really started me thinking later on was, well what if hell is true afterall.
As a sister in our hall said, "All those who believe in hell are going to DIE at Armageddon."
There may be hell but of limited duration rather than eternal. Alternatively eternal non existence is bad enough given that it could have been eternal life (but not on earth as the dubs claim) and a blissful one at that.
What if there is no God? Than there is still no hell. Maybe we are in hell right now.
I find it interesting that Witnesses teach there is nothing when you die, which, unwittingly, promotes the same attitude described in 1 Corinthians 15:32: "....If at Ephesus I fought with beasts, so to speak, what benefit was it to me? If the dead are not raised: "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die...."
To worry (about being right, good, justified somehow) is a corollary of human conscience. Nobody is ultimately satisfied with being wrong, bad, unjustified. And so we all build up justification systems if we don't find them ready-made on the religious or philosophical marketplace. The "worriless-atheist-who-has-no-sense-of-responsibility-because-s/he-does-not-believe-in-divine-judgement" is a believer's fantasy, equating one's experience of existential concern with one's particular beliefs,
Nathan Natas
Why worry if there is no hell???
As an atheist I believe there is no "spirit world;" hence, No Hell. No eternal individual consciousness either.
But Christian Universalists also believe that ultimately all will be saved. One difference is that they believe that everyone will be "up" there somewhere, conscious and aware for eternity.
If we are inclined to hedge our bets, as so many christian theologists urge us to do (the silly "What if I'm right?" argument), we would probably be wiser to become Hindu. After all, only about a third of our planetary human biomass adheres to the christian meme, so the odds are 2:1 that Christians are wrong, right?
What if Hindus are right and Kali will eat the Christians?
Gee, I don't wanna get et.
"Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama, Rama, Hare, Hare!"
It is easy to say not to worry now unless we are faced with death or a terminal illness but the reason to worry whether or not about hell is that we want to inheritantly want to live as Eccl 3:11a states
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart
I do not worry about whether there is a hell or not, but I do want to live and that is why I want to search out the true God whether we are headed to a cooker or not. I LOVE LIFE!!!!!!!!
Who's worrying? Don't worry be happy.