I started out in 1984 that the talks were OUTLINES, or basic topic suggestions, and the brothers added a lot of things if they wanted to. The outline of the talks were guides. I know the elders in my congregation went out of their way to be entertaining many times and gave colorful illustrations and often used props...and that the noose around following the outlines became tighter and tighter so that no personal TAKES on the information could enter into the presentation of the information. To the point where the talks were not to be deviated from AT ALL
Absolutely correct LovesDubs,
During the era I am referring to, there were no outlines for some of the CO's and DO's talks, others, including circuit assembly talks, had very skimpy outlines. There was no outline for the Tuesday evening talk to the host congregation, that's why Michael could give that particular talk.
Now, of course, the outlines have enough material for a three hour talk, so there is no excuse for using extra thoughts and ideas not previously vetted by HQ