JW died on Discovery Health show last night

by M.J. 13 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • M.J.

    Did anyone see the "trauma" show (about the E.R.) on Discovery Health last night? One of the stories featured was an elderly JW lady who had an accident and needed an emergency surgery. They showed the JW husband and an elder next to him in the waiting room as the docs went over what was acceptable and not acceptable to perform on his wife.

    She ended up dying due to blood loss.

    The end of the segment featured a mini-lecture by the JW elder there in the waiting room on the reasons for the JW stand, as well as a few thoughts from the doctors who simply accepted the fact that they could not interfere with the woman's choice.

    One thing that I picked up was that when the docs went to consult with the husband and elder just before the emergency surgery, they presumed that blood could not be removed and later re-infused in the patient, but tried to confirm this. The husband and elder did not deny this...I suspect that they simply did not know that this could have been an option, as the HLC was no where in sight. I can't help but wonder if the doctors knew this, that the woman might have had a chance. Seems to me this could have been a case where the WTS's vagueness on its own policy could have cost a life...

  • SirNose586

    To my knowledge, I believe storing one's own blood for later transfusion is verboten. If it's in a cell-saver, it's okay, but the moment it's not connected to your body, you are out of luck.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "That's en-ter-tain-ment!"

  • M.J.
    To my knowledge, I believe storing one's own blood for later transfusion is verboten.

    Correct...but this was asked just before the operation in an emergency situation. The doctors couldn't have been talking about "storing" the blood for a while. Most likely they were referring to a cell-saver type scenario or hemodilution, I imagine.

  • reneeisorym

    I bet the JWs missed this episode. They think no one can die from their policy.

  • Pistoff


  • Crumpet

    could someone explain what a cell saver is? I was under the impression that the "new light" now allowed storage of your own blood for later transfusion... gosh its all so confusing!

  • hawkaw

    What is a cell saver????

    Always always always go to AJWRB.org. They can help you on this stuff.


    Intraoperative Autotransfusion

    Through the use of a piece of equipment specifically designed for this purpose, (usually called a "Blood Salvage Machine" or "Cell Saver") blood seeping into the surgical field can be suctioned off and processed. The red cells are separated and "washed" so that the heparin, fat, and free hemoglobin are removed. These washed red blood cells are then transfused back into the patient. This procedure is permitted to Witnesses as their conscience allows.

    Isovolemic Hemodilution

    In this process 3 to 4 units of the patient's blood is removed and replaced with a plasma expander before surgery then transfused back after surgery as needed. Since this process reduces the total number of red cells in the body, the blood that is actually lost during surgery is "diluted." The net result is a significant increase in the amount of allowable surgical blood loss. This in turn can diminish or even obviate any need for allogeneic transfusion of red cells. This procedure is permitted to Witnesses as their conscience allows.

  • Crumpet

    thanks hawkaw - i love your avatar by the way - my fave cartoon character!

    This whole process - was it developed specially for teh witnesses? It seems silly that I was told not to eat the red M & Ms when actually as long as I washed the cell/sweet it would be fine to consume any beetle blood residue.

    And my argument against having to avoid blood is that John the Baptist ate unbled locusts in the desert and he never got DFed - if it was alright for one of Christ's right hand men thebn its alright for me!

  • DannyHaszard

    Is this the same show? Trauma - Life in the E.R . - This is a 15 minute video clip documenting the story of a San Antonio, Texas (U.S.A.) Jehovah's Witness couple who were involved in a serious automobile accident. They requested and received Watchtower approved "bloodless" medical treatment. Both husband and wife died. Real Media player is required. Trauma - Life in the E.R . - This is a 15 minute video clip documenting the story of a San Antonio, Texas (U.S.A.) Jehovah's Witness couple who were involved in a serious automobile accident. They requested and received Watchtower approved "bloodless" medical treatment. Both husband and wife died. Real Media player is required. How risky is a Blood transfusion (low)? A comparison of transfusion risks to the risks of dying from other common causes: Serious disease or death from transfusion : 1 chance in 200,000 / year Death from electrocution: 1 chance in 200,000 / year Death from drowning: 1 chance in 35,000 / year Death from a car accident: 1 chance in 7,000 / year Death from pneumonia or influenza: 1 chance in 3,000 / year Death from cancer: 1 chance in 500 / year Death from stroke or heart disease: 1 chance in 300 / year Source: Canadian Hemophilia Society

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