Funny you should ask.... (and how much time have you got??????)
They break up families in the name of God, when it's all BS.
The break up friendships in the name of God, when it's all BS.
They refuse to allow their members freedom of thought to question anything they say.
They trick children (as young as 6) into getting baptized, which then seals their fate. Obey us, or lose everything.
The families they don't manage to break up have their family time stolen by meetings, assemblies, field service, elders meetings, shepherding calls, preparing for meetings, writing parts for meetings, etc, etc, etc. Example... My husband went in service today from 9am-1pm. Came home, ate a sandwich, and left again at 1.30pm for an elders meeting, which will be over around 4pm.... then they'll chat... he'll be home around 4.45pm, I'm guessing. And when I told him that we were invited out to my dad's for dinner, his reply was, I don't have time for that!! (insert screaming smiley here)
I can't imagine the number of lives they've ruined.
Anything else you wanna know????