Baha'i religion

by Junction-Guy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewme

    I just asked my husband, who is just awakening this morning, about his early exposure to the Bahai faith.
    His mom took him for several years to the meetings and gatherings.

    He says he doesnt think the Bahais are nearly as cultish as the JWs seem to be. For one thing they do not force a person to evangelize the faith. In fact they are forbidden to proseletize.

    (that is a definite PLUS in my book!)

    They were persecuted by Muslims in Iran and Nazis in Germany. If you just mentioned the Bahai faith you could be killed.
    But he doesnt know why exactly.
    They do not go to war and kill. But they can do non combatant work.
    They celebrate Christmas (optional)
    They believe in lots of prophets sent to earth.
    They believe in Heaven and Hell.
    They forbid smoking and drinking out of respect for the body.

    Mr. Anewme says to forgive his poor memory and understanding, he was only 7 or 8 at the time when his mom took him to the meetings.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks for sharing that info, even though they may share some characteristics, they are still very different.

  • Junction-Guy

    No, Im definitely not an active witness of you, and no I will never return.

  • needproof

    Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, 7th day adventists, Moonies, Catholics, BAHA!

  • belbab

    If two members want to get married, the girl has to get permission from her father, if he says no, then they can't get married.

    My wife and I met some years ago, an exJaydub who became a Bahai. We associated with them for a few weeks. I asked too many questions and became persona non grata.

    Presently, they are organizing choirs around the world to sing in various churches etc. If you type in Eric Dozier into Google and find the link where it says You Tube you will get an example of Dozier's upbeat spontaneous music.

    In fact this very day, my wife, who loves singing, is singing in a 100 member choir organized within three days and singing in the United Church and then at a theatre.

    I have a real beautiful piece of music on my e-mail, that was sent to my wife to practice. If any one wants to hear it, send me your e-mail addy in a pm and I will forward it to you. It sure beats hell out of the Watchtower meetings.


  • belbab

    Here are the lyrics to the song that I mentionned in the above post.


    Noble have I created thee
    Yet thou hast abased thyself

    Rise then unto that
    For which thou wast created

    I created thee rich
    why dost thou bring thyself down to poverty

    Noble I made thee
    Wherewith dost thou abase thyself

    Oh, son of spirit. Not very impressive when you read the lyrics, but they will leap out at you in three dimensions when you hear them sung. The song lasts for about five minutes.

    I don't know how to take it from my email and transfer it on this board. If any one knows how to do this let me know. Otherwise send me an addy and I will forward it.


  • LittleToe

    Like most faith groups you'll find variation. There's a local group near me, and so I know some personally. They are generally very tolerant, and include fasting in their rituals.

    As already stated, Carmel may be able to give you more information.

  • mouthy

    It was founded in 1844 by Robert PArdon co founders are Mirza Ali Muhammad ( BAB) Mirz Hussayn

    The roots of the Baha'i faith lie in the Shi'te sect of Islam which was lead by 12 succesive Imams,decendents of Muhammand's son-in-law,Ali.The 12 Imam as a child withdrew society to escape assassination ,the inevitable fate of his 12 predecessors He would make contact with the faithful through "Gates"individuals through whom he would give his teachings

    In 1844 Mirza Ali Muhammad (1819-1850) declared himsel to be the "Gate." the "Bab"he claimed he was not just the" Gate "but rather the Gate of God..

    Well as for me... I only have ONE GATE-DOOR ---so i wont be come one of them

  • Kaput

    Well as for me... I only have ONE GATE-DOOR ---so i wont be come one of them

    Don't let it hit ya where the sun don't shine, mouthy.

  • mouthy
    Don't let it hit ya where the sun don't shine, mouthy.

    Well Kuput MY DOOR DID hit me where the sun dont shine Darling..My Heart >>>>See My Door is Christ ..

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