Does anyone here know anything about Baha'i?, I have never seen it mentioned on here before. I remember there was a country singer back in the late 80's that was a Baha'i, but I cant remember his name. Even back then while I was going to the Kingdom Hall, when I first heard of this singer something in my mind said this is a cult, even though I was associating with the grandaddy of them all.
Baha'i religion
by Junction-Guy 19 Replies latest jw friends
just do a simple web search or check out the wikipedia listing...lots of info on the Net. in LA there is a large Baha'i community.
interestingly, Baha'i practice a form of Disfellowshipping that is similar to JW's
The JWD poster Carmel is a Baha'i'er: Carmel's profile
The singers Seals and Crofts who had hits "Summer Breeze, Humming Bird, We May never Pass this way again, Diamond Girl". Jimmy Seals had a brother who called himself England Dan who was a recording artist also. The 3 of them were of the Bahi faith. England Dan went by England Dan and John Ford Coley.
I think religion or church is a place where con man extract 10% from the confused, while the confused ones search for answers and satisfy their gentic need to mix with birds of the same feather.
Hello JG,
Honestly don't know about Baha'i Faith. Maybe Hindu based? Not sure. But a group from back in the 70's and 80's who were involved in this religion was Seals and Crofts and I believe that Jimmy Seals of that group has a brother, Dan Seals, who is a country singer and may therefore be involved also. I liked their music and owned a couple of their LPs back in those days. They have a web site but I didn't take the time to read much of it. Dan Seals also has a web site.
At any rate, if Baha'i is a cult, I agree we would surely be the pot calling the kettle black wouldn't we.
Looked in to it. Did not think much of it. Have really cool looking churches though. The leader thinks he is the reincarnated Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, etc. etc and so on. Enjoy.
Bahais have their own messiah who came a while ago. Some of his writings are cool, but they have a central control that curtails too much extracuricular writing.
Junction Guy, my new mother in law "Garden Rose" joined the Bahais when she was 20. She says she loved the philosophy and beliefs. From what I gather they believe that all the prophets, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, and others were sent to us by God. They believe in the unity of all religions. They believe in a coming paradise. They believe in such a wide combination of religious beliefs that I confuse and overload easily when I talk to her about it. They look forward to a coming wonderful government, but by man. Their "Bible" uses old English thees and thous and saiths and Lord like the KJ version.
But of course I am not the one to talk to. She would be the one. Or you could go to their world wide website.
They exist in small groups and few have any kind of building or church to meet in. Garden Rose said she had to drive to distant cities and meet in small homes to congregate with other Bahais. But there does exist a huge temple or two somewhere in the world.
Her experience with the people differed little than our experience as witnesses. There was gossip and powerplays and adultery and divorce.
She no longer meets with them.
But I am now a skeptic of religion and so my take on any of them will seem askew. -
Back in high school, I had this old pal named Adrian...I think. It's honestly been quite some time. Anyway, he was a Baha'i, and he went on some sort of mission to Canada. Never heard from him again.
My KH is right by a Baha'i hall. I guess my 'hood has "cult zoning."
Thanks for all the info. Now that I think of it, I may have brought this topic up before. Yes, Dan Seals is the name I was thinking of. When I first heard of his involvement in the Bahai's, something about it reminded so much of the JW's, and even though I was still going to the K Hall back then, it just seemed so eerily similiar that I didnt think well of it at the time.