Several weeks ago the issue of God's 'perfect nature' came up on a thread. The concept of "Perfection" is a persistent in vitually all faith traditions and theological constructs.
JWs in particular, have an obsession with the concept of perfection and use it regularly in their propaganda: "Live forever in a perfect paradise earth"; "Live forever in perfect health"; "Humans and animals will live together in perfect harmony", etc etc.....
The point was raised about the possibility or impossibility of God being perfect.
If we begin with the basic Judaeo-Christian tenet that God created the Universe from nothingness, then he is the designer and creator of every single entity, sentient or non-sentient, and object within reality. This begs the question: Where did evil come from? Where did "imperfection" come from? For the sake of argument, we can use the Judaeo-Christian standards of good and evil when considering them as actions, events or objects....(e.g. 10 commandments, etc)
The usual response is: God did not CREATE evil, but gave all beings the "Free-Will" to CHOOSE to do evil, or good.
The logical problem with this premise is that God would STILL by necessity, have to be the architect of Evil, if for no other reason that "man was created in his image"....Indeed, if God did not "create" evil as a behavioural and moral "Option", then NEITHER man, NOR the devil would have had the CHOICE to do evil.....
The point is, if ALL within the universal reality came from God, then God, by logical necessity MUST contain evil...Even if he does not "contain" evil as a "personal trait", he at the very least must be capable of evil, and therefore, IMPERFECT.....
Assuming the definition of "perfection" to be: "The state of being without a flaw of defect"....How can "imperfection" derive from "perfection"? It is a logical contradiction.
There is another option....that God had absolutely nothing to do with "Evil" and it existed BEFORE God created the universe. However, again, this by logical extension demonstrates that God is not responsible for the contents of the universe, or at the very least, chose not to do anything about "imperfection" and "evil" as constructs within the Universe. Indeed, the universe and at least certain components of it, existed BEFORE God.....thus implying that God, is finite.
Yet another option: Gods "evil" is "perfect".....since it derives from a "perfect being"?
Are there any rational, theological alternatives to these conclusions?