WT distribution changes in 2008 - Will it effect your literature order?

by truthseeker 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I wonder if this new arrangement might be a stepping stone to changing their mode of distribution of the 15th of the month issue. They could easily post the information on their website for download or email it to a designated person in the congregation. That would be a HUGE savings in printing costs.

    I have considered this for some time, and you might be right.

    A couple of considerations though;

    • They know that us evil 'apostates' are more internet saavy that the reg pubs for the most part - and they may fear that we will get ahold of already digitized versions from an insider.
    • They don't like the dubs online if they can keep 'em off - getting the mag online might lead to online research 'while I'm here', and that could really backfire.

    One caveat to this that I have thought might happen, is to have each congregation install a computer with internet access. Give the coded access to the site to only the PO or other trusted elder, and have him print the mags and copy them for distribution.

    That would isolate the info just about as much as possible, and the Society could even ask for contributions same as always for the 'technology use'.


  • zack

    I agree with the "eyes only" theory. I predict this mag. to actually have a difference in appearance as well. Since it's for dubs only,

    maybe it will be black and white, cheaper paper, etc... It will definitely be something to keep the dubs from getting confused and

    placing the mags mistakenly, and more importantly, it will aid the elders in keeping their groups from placing these mags. It'll be a KM

    for the WT, maybe even written by the Service Department instead of the Writing Department. That'll be the real key.

  • done4good
    I wonder if this new arrangement might be a stepping stone to changing their mode of distribution of the 15th of the month issue. They could easily post the information on their website for download or email it to a designated person in the congregation. That would be a HUGE savings in printing costs.

    I have considered this for some time, and you might be right.

    A couple of considerations though;

    • They know that us evil 'apostates' are more internet saavy that the reg pubs for the most part - and they may fear that we will get ahold of already digitized versions from an insider.
    • They don't like the dubs online if they can keep 'em off - getting the mag online might lead to online research 'while I'm here', and that could really backfire.

    I agree with Jeff on this. They don't use their website effectively as it is. Either this is because of Jeff's above reasons stated, or just becasue it dosen't fit into the "arrangement". If the arrangement were to change, they would have to realize the risk they would be exposing the r&f to. They are just slowly bleeding to death.


  • sammielee24

    If I were a GB member I'd use this as an opportunity to do some house cleaning. I would send the congregational issues by pdf to the selected member of the congregation - perhaps the secretary. The secretary then uses the database of names for his congregation and prints off copies for all of those people/families. Label the copies. The copies would be distributed at the appropriate time as each of those individuals/families arrived at the Kingdom Hall - any copies left mean it would be easy to identify weak ones, thereby initiating shepherding calls on a continual basis. In other words, you would have to show up to get your copy every month - if you didn't, you would be easily identified resulting in a call. It would be easier to keep track of who is attending meetings and who isn't, as well as provide back up for appropriate discipline.

    A charge to the congregation for the printing costs would be applied to each copy as a tech donation. People who are receive their magazines would have them with them should they visit another congregation, therefore, excuses for needing a new one would be limited. Indeed, rather than print off extra copiesl, the elders may suggest or invite you to sit beside one of the sisters and share her copy. This would keep any extra copies out of unknown hands.

    By doing all of these things you lower the costs to the society overall; provide greater security and keep better track of inactive ones. Remember too - these changes are likely taking place ONLY in the US or countries where they are having more trouble with lawsuits and/or information being leaked. This would not apply to countries where they still have a great deal of control over the people so they have little need to seek and destroy the opposition. sammieswife.

  • Tristram

    At the very least it means that Armegeddon won't be coming in 2007!!!

    Jehovah wouldn't DARE going against the Governing Body and one of their business decisions which commence on January 1 2008.

    Heh heh, hadn't thought of that. Looks like I'm safe from the big A for at least 10 more months.

  • sammielee24

    Oh...and I would also NOT hand out the magazines 3 months early. They would be handed out ONLY a week before at the end of the Sunday meeting - whatever I had left, a list of no-shows would be compiled from and followed up. Not only does this ensure that there is less time for the study articles to get 'out' in internet land thereby making it harder for faders or outsiders to get involved, but it means that you must go to the KH and sit through the meeting in order to get your next issue.

    I would also utilitize whatever congregation member that I had to as far as having a selected member run the copies and label them. If one congregation didn't have a computer, then I would combine that one with another and have a database drawn up for all members of both congregations. Remember all those names and addresses, phone numbers and cell phone numbers they wanted? Anyone shows up without a copy - they don't get a new one, you share - that way, no unnamed copies are in circulation.

    They read this board and every other one like it so they know how many people are just attending a few meetings to keep up the look, stay in for family and friends but slack off. If they force you to attend or else face first shepherding calls, then counsel then discipline, they can be assured that in time you will either leave of your own free will which gives them cause to DA you and keep the trouble makers out; or; you will give up trying to fade because it's too hard, and start attending the meetings more regularly if only for your family. Its a win/win for them. sammieswife.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I agree with the "eyes only" theory. I predict this mag. to actually have a difference in appearance as well. Since it's for dubs only,

    maybe it will be black and white, cheaper paper, etc...

    I think it will be printed using ink that fades after a certain length of time so we can't go back and catch them on all their blunders!


  • stillajwexelder

    I will reduce my 15th of the month order and probably initailly keep my 1st of the month order the same.

  • Rooster

    It will be one copy per kingdom Hall and the PO must make copies for the whole group. Visitors will be asked to leave after the public talk.

  • willyloman
    Will the literature servant reduce our order of the 15th edition to 1 per person?

    My guess is they will treat the "dubs only" WT issue the same way they treat the Kingdom Ministry. It's a set of ins;tructions, for publishers only, and they will receive the shipment, divide them up by no. of publishers per books study, and give them to the book study conductor to distribute to his publishers. This fulfills their goal of assuring "no pubic distribution" and eliminates the possibility that publishers can go to the book counter and "order' several copies of the restricted edition - which is essentially being reduced to a set of meeting instructions, much like the KM. In fact, I suspect it won't be long before the KM is folded into the July 15 issues of the new WT.

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