A man I knew very well at work, who I even traveled to Mexico with on a company trip, is a Muslim from Afghanistan. He told me once, "Never trust any Muslim, as they will not tell you the truth about themselves until it is too late." I found this interesting as this man was Muslim. I often made light of his comments, as he was so positive and fun to hang with. His wife was also an awesome lady and I just loved being around her and her positive attitude.
So Monday of this week comes and this person I worked with for years does not show up to work. So I ask his wife if he is sick and she is all upset. I ask her what is wrong, and she tells me that he left her and flew back to Afghanistan to fight for the Taliban. I guess all the stuff happening over there to his family was upsetting him, and he wanted to go and fight.
I am just so sick of this war of the Muslim religions. I want American troops to pull out and let them all kill one another. Why bother fighting to help these nations, if they are just going to see our efforts as a reason to leave their families to go back and fight against us. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan is old. So sick of it, not worth it anymore.