My husband works for an american company and they make parts for aircraft, including civil and military.
Three weeks ago a Muslim gent from Sudan turned up for an interview to work on a CNC machine. My daughter is a HR administrator and was in on the interview. She was unsettled not because he was in full muslim garb, including a beard down to his navel and Islamic cap, a puffer jacket and he had metal anklets and bizarre jewellry, that was of no concern but what distrubed her was that he asked between five and six times if this company was an American company. He also said he had researched the company thoroughly on the internet and knew it was American but was making sure. He already had a job much closer to where he lived, and he said he didn't mind the slightly lower wage rate at the company he was applying to.
When my daughter go home, she was applying for jobs straight away. We wanted to know why, but HR is a confidential job. However, she eventually told her father he concerns and that she was worried that the other two men interviewing 'seemed' not to be concerned over his questions and demeanor. My husband had words with the Managing Director who immeadiately smiled and said that he had a mad rush to his office that day of the other two people in on the interview, but separately. None of them had wanted to say anything to eachother because they feared appearing racist to eachother, however, they both were as uneasy as my daughter over the unusual aspects of this applicant and so he had decided not to hire him.
Two days later, another Sudanese Muslim turned up at the factory having heard, 'by word of mouth' that there was a job going. My daughter turned him away nicely.
People are already very afraid of Muslims and it could be that this job applicant was as white as the driven snow in his intentions but then again, people are aware that the 'war' has already come home to them.