Why Is There a Seemingly Large Percentage of X JW Jerks?

by XJW4EVR 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lumptard

    I don't think that there is a higher percentage of JWs and X-JWs who are jerks....anyone who participates in a discussion about religion is going to come across people who are unreasonable.


    You can excuse us for being slightly mentally unstable after what we have been through

    Way to pass the buck.....

  • lonelysheep
    That being said I can think of at least 25 people right off the top of my head, here and on other boards that "jerks." Don't you think that this number is extremely high? What do you think is the reason for it?

    I don't think that's high considering how many people are posting here every day. JMO

    The reason could be the topics being discussed. We get into some pretty heavy $hit here on many various topics. We let out our emotions to others when they are both positive and negative. We get responses in return. Kind of comes with the territory.

  • mrsjones5

    Now you know people are wondering who the 25 jerks are. *raises eyebrow*

  • lonelysheep
    Now you know people are wondering who the 25 jerks are.


  • avidbiblereader

    Everybody in life has two choices, you can be an

    ASSET or an


    Posting here or any other place no matter what your ex religion is or was has nothing to do with with which one of the above you fit in to. I believe that cyber land you don't have to face people face to face. That is why Paul wrote in Acts 25:16 says 16 But I replied to them that it is not Roman procedure to hand any man over as a favor before the accused man meets his accusers face to face and gets a chance to speak in his defense concerning the complaint.

    It is much harder to say and do things in front of a person and face them, it is natural to act different than normal when no one can see you, that is why Christ and others said the things in darkness is what people do that is not good. Cyber land affords itself to the darkness so to speak and forgive me for my curse word but only by spelling it out does it make the impact.


  • misanthropic

    Not considering most message boards I've been on, most ex dubs are harmless when it comes to insult slinging and definitely not what I would call a "jerk".

  • Xena

    I've met a large number of ex dubs from all over the world and have found them for the most part to be extremely nice people. The ones that have more aggressive behavior tend to not meet-up for some reason. and I've found them to be relatively rare. Course I'd venture to say most people can act jerk like from time to time, myself included.

    Now you know people are wondering who the 25 jerks are. *raises eyebrow*

    I'll never tell.

    I realize that this is a somewhat polarizing topic, and I do appreciate the answers I have gotten. It has been illuminating.

  • onacruse


    Course I'd venture to say most people can act jerk like from time to time, myself included.

    Yeah, you were my first vote. Ross was my second vote. Simon is my third vote.

    Craig (of trying my damndest to get booted off JWD LOL)

  • ozziepost
    I do read other non-JW DBS, and have never come across the number of just surly, grumpy, grouchy, and generally negative people that I have come across on X-JW boards.

    Maybe they're just trying to validate themselves?

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