Why Is There a Seemingly Large Percentage of X JW Jerks?

by XJW4EVR 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • trevor

    Following on from the point already made that facial expressions make a difference to the intention of a statement...

    In the old Western series 'The Virginian' - Trampus is playing cards with The Virginian who lays down a winning hand. Trampus says, 'son of a bitch.'

    The Virginian studies his face for a while and quietly says, 'smile when you call me that.'

  • hillbilly

    If you think back to your active days you may remember that some JW's were jerks then. With the amount of folks who leave or get tossed out it would seem that many natural born jerks would show up out here in EXJW cyberspace... ~Hill (crumugeon class)

  • trevor


    it would seem that many natural born jerks would show up out here in EXJW cyberspace...

    Smile when you tell me that

  • anewme

    I loudly beg to differ with you sir!

    This board is so refreshingly free of weirdos and jerks compared to the average chat room anywhere in cyberspace!

    Anyway, people everywhere are weird and jerks. Having been out of the org now for 6 years I am infatuated with few humans I have met or heard or read about.

    The JWs do recruit certain types. And those who stay for years might be a certain type. And if those certain types escape, well then, there you go. What can I say? I am one of them.

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