I didn't know where to post this..

by I.Wonder 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • I.Wonder

    but I was wondering if there are any good threads or resources that discuss who the faithful and discreet slave really is. Not what the watchtower says but what the bible is really saying. Does the bible identify this "slave"?

    Also are christians supposed to preach? Is it a requirement of modern day christians or was this a commission that applied only in Jesus day?

    I am trying to research the bible more and I find it difficult to understand what is being said within context. I've always found the bible to be very confusing.

    Anyway what prompted be to ask these questions was the #4 talk on "Identifying Apostates". Basically the brother used 3 scriptures that would "help" us to recognize apostates. They were Acts 20:30, Matt. 28:19, and Matt. 24:45. It's the scriptures in Matthew that got me wondering what the bible is really trying to say.

    I was out in service one time and we were offering the Bible Teach book. Before I left the HH's home I shared a scripture with the young man. He pointed out that anyone can open the bible and read a scripture and try to explain what their religion has taught them to believe. It takes more than that to understand what is really being said. I didn't know what to say. He was right. Just because I opened the bible and shared a verse with him and explained what it meant (from a JW perspective) doesn't mean that is what it's actually trying to say! It is so easy for JW's to open the bible and select a scripture to back up what they believe. All of their material is based on carefully selecting and isolating scripture.

    I want to know/learn what the bible is saying in context. If any of you have any advise as to how I should go about doing this I would appreciate your suggestions. I have read the bible and I continue to do so in hopes that I will one day understand it from a literary/contextual standpoint.

    Thanks for listening!!


  • Junction-Guy

    Well the faithful and discreet slave class was invented by the Jw religion. Most bibles will call them faithful and wise servants, not slaves. Sorry I dont have much else to offer you. I personally dont believe Jesus was referring to an actual class of people, just a general group of people.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't know about some good threads for you but-

    who the faithful and discreet slave really is. Not what the watchtower says but what the
    bible is really saying. Does the bible identify this "slave"?

    Consider the possibility that it was an analogy, not an actual group of people.
    Consider that Jesus was not speaking of any "last days" in Matthew chapter 24, but
    was referring to the time of the destruction of Jerusalem.

    I was out in service one time and we were offering the Bible Teach book.

    Start here, also. Notice that the FDS, the anointed, the Governing Body-
    That leads one to the conclusion that those doctrines are either too
    difficult for students, or they don't want them to ask too much about it before
    their baptism. Look it up, yourself- nothing in the Bible Teach Book.

  • Narkissos

    Just read Matthew 24:45-51 in context and it will appear clearly for what it is, i.e., a very generic parable on how any "Christian leader" can be either good or bad at his function, and judged accordingly -- the next two parables in chapter 25 are somewhat parallel. There is absolutely no suggestion of one permanent group ruling over the rest of Christians worldwide (the early church never worked that way) and even less of "full-fledged Christians" ruling over "half-Christians" as the Rutherfordian version implies. If you want to look more deeply into the literary background check Leolaia's thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/67457/1.ashx

    As to "preaching", there is no hint in the NT that it would be a duty for ALL Christians. Cf. the rhetorical questions (implying a negative answer) in 1 Corinthians 12:27ff:

    Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers; then deeds of power, then gifts of healing, forms of assistance, forms of leadership, various kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? But strive for the greater gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way -- which is "love," chapter 13.

    The mere fact that some were referred to as "evangelists" clearly shows that it was not everybody's task.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Also are christians supposed to preach? Is it a requirement of modern day christians or was this a commission that applied only in Jesus day?

    You can find more extensive research, but a quick search led me to this link.


    A more complete answer to the preaching work can be found in Ray Franz's IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM.

  • I.Wonder

    This is all such excellent information, thank you so much for your replies. I am very grateful.



  • Hoping4Change

    You may also be interested to know that 'originally' this phrase, the 'faithful and discreet slave" was applied, not to a group of people, but a person, Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the original Bible students that went on to become Jehovahs Witnesses. That designation, as I understand it, was first applied to him by his wife.

  • I.Wonder

    WOW!!! I had never heard that before. Where did your hear/read this Hoping4Change?

  • TheListener

    It's in the WTS literature.

  • Hoping4Change

    It can be found in a number of places if you look for it, but one place is here: http://www.towerwatch.com/Witnesses/History/a_brief_history_of_the_watchtower.htm . (see 5th paragraph below CTR picture.)

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