Year ago when TV was becoming popular in every American home, the Watchtower Society appeared to be discouraging it for the 'Rank & File' In the Kingdom Hall I attended, it was often spoken of as 'The Devil's Eyeball'! Our Congregation Servant once lamented that when he would drive by different brothers houses at night he could see the 'blue glow' through their windows, but they were not there for the meetings and service the next day! Of course, eventually they had to give up the fact that the brothers were not going to give up watching or owning televisions! So, encouragement was given as to the amount of time spent and the program content you spent.
Now, years later, I have that same feeling that if the Governing Body could, they would just as soon the brothers do not have computors, but it's to late to make something like that fly! But now it is much more a serious threat to them than TV ever was. Why? Because you can research things now, and it isn't a 'pretty picture as far as Watchtower history is concerned! I think Jesus' words as recorded in Matt. 10:26 will eventually haunt the Society, ........."Therefore do not fear them; for there is nothing covered over that will not become uncovered, and secret that will not become known." And maybe the internet will play a part in the words of Daniel, recorded in chapter 12: vs. 4....(NWT).............."Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant."
Yes, education and true knowledge are a real threat to the Watchtower Organization and the internet will play it's part in it's expose'. This is my personal belief.