I've always liked one attributed to (I think) CT Russell when asked why he didn't answer his detractors. he said "if you have a long way to go, you can't stop to kick every dog that barks at you." And the Dalai Lama said, when asked about what makes a religion a good religion, that the purpose of religion is to teach people how to live more noble lives, and if a religion does that, it's a good religion. And Alexandra David Neel asked one of her teachers about people who couldn't do the short path meditations she was learning - if the short path meditations are too difficult, what is a person to do? Her teacher said, "well, then, they have to try to live a noble life every day." I like that - no doctrine, no control freaks, no ritual, no special clothing, or special buildings, no hierarchy, just try to live a noble life every day.