Whats your thoughts on sex & the WTS

by Leander 30 Replies latest social relationships

  • Leander

    Hopefully this topic won't shock anyone, I'll try to keep my comments as tasteful as possible. Just recently (last weekend) my younger brother met with the elders because he was engaged in fornication. The elders decided to disfellowship him even though he had long stopped having any contact with the person he had been involved with.

    Anyway this got me to thinking why are we as humans cursed with strong sexual desires and given very little outlet in relieving them? When I was going through high school all I could think about is sex no matter how hard I tried to focus on other things. In fact I hate to admit it but the only reason I chose to get married was to be able to enjoy sex without violating bible principles. I still love my wife, but I know for a fact that I was'nt ready for marriage at that time.

    I can't count how many people I personally know who were discplined because of sexual matters. And to make the matter even worse the Society dictates what kind of sex you can't have even after you are married? Something just seems very wrong with the current view on sex.

    Then what about gays and lesbians. It seems to me that many of these people obviously did'nt choose to be the way they are, they were born that way. It makes you think why should they have to be unhappy because of something that is'nt their fault.

    Anyway enough of my ranting what are your thoughts on this?

  • joelbear

    homosexual content deleted

  • NameWithheld

    Pretty much the same - so many people are 'forced' into marrage way to young simply to satisfy the sexual drive - and many of those marrages end up with two very badly matched people who end up a) divorced or b) very unhappy together. Not to say the idea of 'free love' and being very promiscuous is a great idea either, but I don't think it helps to think so black and white in sexual (or most other) matters. Would you buy a car without a test drive? Well, perhaps people should take a test drive and make sure all the bits 'n peices work well before making what should be a life long commitment too. Just MHO. It would also remove getting married simply to 'get some' from the equation as well. Another area that christains would have us beleive that god is waiting to trap humans - give them strong sex drives, but then micro-manage sex.

    We won't even get into how much trouble young JWs get into for flogging the bishop, whacking the weasle, polishing the knob, etc

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    I believe the most diabolical thing about any religion is when they insert themselves into sexual relations between men and women or anyone else. It it weren't for the natural and biological urges for sexual activity, we wouldn't exist as a species.

    There have been many studies done that show that couples with an active sex life survive longer and better as couples. So sex ain't just for procreation anymore. Does that mean I want to see people engaging in sex out in the open and on the streets. Not at all. I'm for some degree of modesty. But not for religious purposes. It simply puts us in a more civilized catagory than yard dogs and live stock.

    Two words that should be stricken from our language are "nasty" and "immoral". Sex is neither such thing. It is pleasurable and soothing and damnit, just fun. Well, it would only be nasty if Fredhall were doing it.

  • dubla
    We won't even get into how much trouble young JWs get into for flogging the bishop, whacking the weasle, polishing the knob, etc



  • Esmeralda
    In fact I hate to admit it but the only reason I chose to get married was to be able to enjoy sex without violating bible principles.

    I bet that you speak for the majority of young JW men. I would bet money that is the exact reason that my ex husband married me. He was 21 and I was 19.

    I remarried in 1999. The man I married is younger than me by six years. He was not premiscuous by any means, had one 'serious' girlfriend in High School. But he definitely didn't marry me for sex, and we are extremely happy, well matched and no troubles in the bedroom either, thank you very much!

    I think that you take these factors and get a disaster every time:
    hormones+ someone who must be okay cause they sit in a KH=married too soon/too young/wrong person= eventual divorce.

    What a mess.

    Sex is the biggest of all 'shaming' issues that most if not all religions use to keep people in line. I'm not premiscuous, I'm monogomously married, but I'm not ashamed of my sexuality anymore either. It's the only way you can live a normal life.

    SEX IS NORMAL, PEOPLE!!!! Sorry just had to shout that. *lol*

    Good luck, Leander.

    one very happily married woman :)

  • Esmeralda

    Oh, and PS, about gays/lesbians...I have always felt, even when I was a JW that there was no way that this was a 'lifestyle choice'. I've known too many gay people who were tortured by it to think that they'd choose it. That saddens me so much.

    Would you condemn me for having blue eyes and not brown? I couldn't choose my dna programming there, just as I believe that people are born what they are, heterosexual or otherwise. No one has any right to judge. To me love is love, and marriage is marriage no matter the configuration. I don't like promiscuity (brings disease and unwanted pregnancys, etc) but I have respect for anyone who can maintain a monogomous relationship for many years. I know many gay couples who fit that bill just as well as traditional ones.

    I'll get down off my soapbox now :) It's just that prejudice bothers me, in any form.


  • Mulan

    I seem to remember a thread a couple of months ago, about this subject and whether the Old Testament really forbid fornication, or was it only adultery that was forbidden? Does anyone remember?

    There were some really good points made, and I remember my husband, the perpetual cynic, was pretty impressed by the reasoning. Was it the one about Dr. Laura, and homosexuality? Maybe not. That was a good one too.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
    "Those who know, don't say, and those who say, don't know."

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Leander,

    You asked,

    ...this got me to thinking why are we as humans cursed with strong sexual desires and given very little outlet in relieving them?

    It seems to me that you've bought in to the "sex is sin" guilt trip.

    Tell me which is unnatural - a biological urge experienced by every living thing, or the authority of one man to dictate the behavior of another?

    "I wish to see, and I mean this most sincerely, I wish to see the last King strangled with the guts of the last Priest." - Voltaire
  • musicnonstop

    I think Joel touched on what it's all about, at least as far as the WT's concerned - control through guilt, and guilt through sex (something that seems to be common to all the monotheistic religions - figures that the Hindus came up with the Kama Sutra ).

    And GET THEM WHILE THEY'RE YOUNG... God, when I think back to the sheer agonies of guilt I went through as a young JW lad growing up; feeling like the lowest leper, unfit to be around women, just for doing what every man, woman and child's been up to since the dawn of time...sneaking the rare, occasional "skin book", then shredding the evidence and disposing of it as far away from the house as possible - all the while, various then-'worldly' sibs of mine were out rooting merrily away to their heart's content...*sigh*

    Nowadays I'm of the opinion that if God is someone (and I no longer think He IS) who endows humans with strong sexual urges when they're still no more than children, then immediately slaps a ton of guilt on their backs for exploring those urges (even alone), purely for the sole purpose of making their young lives a misery, then as far as I'm concerned, God's a sick twisted bastard who certainly doesn't deserve my respect, let alone worship...

    Of course, I know better now - the sick, twisted bastards responsible for this unending tide of adolescent neurosis are in Brooklyn....

    <B>"God help us, help us lose our minds..."</B> - <I>Talking Heads, "Slippery People"</I>

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