Sure I make mistakes. Esp. when it comes to personal (as in relationship) situations. Dear gawd, I make the most stoopid deciscions. So cheer up, you are a sweet lady, no one is perfect and I like to see your posts. (that is not even a grammaticaly correct sentence ... my mistake )
Do you make mistakes?
by Frannie Banannie 48 Replies latest jw friends
Oh yeah Frannie I do ... many kinds in many areas (its food for thoughts sometimes - not sure I would think about certain things without them) ... also I'm still alive tho and I just hope I haven't killed someone without knowing it.
Show me someone who never makes a mistake! Being a JW was a BIGGIE for a start!!
In the words of the song: If I could turn back time......................
I look back at the mistakes I've made and think "What an absolute jerk!" My teenage years and early 20s were probably the worst!
It seems sex and money is the drive in humans that causes the most mistakes, or was that just me. Maybe religion should also be included in there too.
Ken P.
Frannie Banannie
Well, looks like we each could use a big one of ((((((((((these)))))))))) right now then.
((((Abandoned)))) I'm gettin' better and not feeling as down about it now.
of course...but what kills me is makin gthe same mistake twice....i did that recently
different situation but it came down to the same mistake. Sometimes in life you realize that the pattern in which you ran your life doesnt work and you must change...tough to change yourself
Been there, Caine. We just need a bigger eraser, eh?
Frannie Banannie
I haqve never made a mistake! Oh wait , nevermind, I have.
LOL, RV! I had to say that one time after I'd already raised my hand and been called on during a WT study...."NevER minnnnd."
Many. All day every day. Also, I am a mistake and that's okay. No, ((((Madam Q)))), you're not. You're being here just proves that the mistake was someone else labelling you as a mistake, sweetie.
Frannie Banannie
Mistakes or no mistakes, I look forward to your posts...always looking out for the dancing gran. I wish I could meet you.
((((Mrs Smith)))) Ya sweetie patootie!
Sure I make mistakes. Esp. when it comes to personal (as in relationship) situations. Dear gawd, I make the most stoopid deciscions. So cheer up, you are a sweet lady, no one is perfect and I like to see your posts. (that is not even a grammaticaly correct sentence ... my mistake )
(((((((Viv)))))) You're a sweetie patootie, too, chere! Yeah, those personal relationship mistakes are hard to take, eh? You and Mrs Smith sure know how to spark up a person's day!
I have recently learned to reframe it for the kids in our house. I discovered that I don't make mistakes after all. I experience "teachable moments" that lead to "opportunities for improvement."
I used to think I "screwed up" and "had to suffer the consequences." This new way is much more ... egotistic. Fortunately, the "opportunities for improvement" come with a boatload of consequences for "needing to improve" (read: "screwing up").
Major "needs for improvement" may mean the person needs to seek "opportunities for improvement" elsewhere as group living just doesn't lend itself to people who need a lot of improvement.
How I prefer candid bluntness!
Yes, Frannie, I "need improvement" too.
Frannie Banannie
Oh yeah Frannie I do ... many kinds in many areas (its food for thoughts sometimes - not sure I would think about certain things without them) ... also I'm still alive tho and I just hope I haven't killed someone without knowing it.
((((RAF)))) Me, too, chere.
Show me someone who never makes a mistake! Being a JW was a BIGGIE for a start!! In the words of the song: If I could turn back time...................... I look back at the mistakes I've made and think "What an absolute jerk!" My teenage years and early 20s were probably the worst!
((((Dansk)))) Mine were worse during my teens and early 20s, too. Thank goodness I still have an eraser!
((((Abandoned)))) I'm gettin' better and not feeling as down about it now.
Well that's something to celebrate.