It seems sex and money is the drive in humans that causes the most mistakes, or was that just me. Maybe religion should also be included in there too.
Ken, mine have more to do with how many feet I can get in my mouth at one time. Although.....religion takes a close second (in the past.)
I have recently learned to reframe it for the kids in our house. I discovered that I don't make mistakes after all. I experience "teachable moments" that lead to "opportunities for improvement." I used to think I "screwed up" and "had to suffer the consequences." This new way is much more ... egotistic. Fortunately, the "opportunities for improvement" come with a boatload of consequences for "needing to improve" (read: "screwing up"). Major "needs for improvement" may mean the person needs to seek "opportunities for improvement" elsewhere as group living just doesn't lend itself to people who need a lot of improvement. How I prefer candid bluntness!
Yes, Frannie, I "need improvement" too.
LOL, Auld Soul! I lurv the way you think!