Academic Survey: Ex-JW Participants Needed

by JW_Researcher 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JW_Researcher


    I’m conducting an exploratory survey for a methodology class.

    There are 20 questions. All answers are strictly confidential.

    Neither I nor anyone else will be able to identify a survey participant. No IP address will be logged. No identifying information will be collected.

    If you would like to participate please visit

    Please PM me with any questions.

    Thank you for your time.


  • JW_Researcher

    9 responses already! Thanks very much!

    It should only take 3 or 4 minutes to complete the survey.

  • Junction-Guy

    You're welcome, please share the results with us, once they are tallied up.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I took the test. Did I pass?


  • JW_Researcher

    I just checked and there are 48 respondents so far! That's fantastic.

    As I mentioned, this is an exploratory survey. I'm going to generate a paper and demonstrate different approaches of statistical analysis. The purpose of the survey, then, is to provide me with data for this class but also to, hopefully, be heuristic for a future study.

    My area is communication so my studies have to be communication related. Some of the stuff I've done in the past has not required quantitative analysis ...but this class does.

    At any rate, I'll be happy to post aggregated results (so no one can be identified) and yes, Jeff, you passed the test.

    One "cell" which is a bit small is the "I became a JW as an adult." The following chart shows most respondents where raised as a JW.

    Thanks again for the support.


    01. Were you raised as a JW?
    No, I became a JW as an adult 10 20.83%
    Yes, my one or both of my parents were JWs when I was 10 years old or younger 2 4.17%
    Yes, my one or both of my parents were JWs when I was 15 years old or younger 1 2.08%
    Yes, my one or both of my parents were JWs when I was 20 years old or younger 1 2.08%
    Yes, my one or both of my parents were JWs when I was 5 years old or younger 34 70.83%
  • JW_Researcher

    60 responses...thanks very much.

    Looks like 3 of 4 of us were married for at least part of our stint as JWs.

    04. Did you spend any of your time as a JW as a married person?
    No 16 26.67%
    Yes 44 73.33%
  • cultswatter

    The sheet would not upload

  • looking_glass

    I too had a problem, but it was only after I attempted to submit it, it never finished it kept saying "waiting" and then my computer crashed and I had to reboot, so now I am a little frightened to try it again. Any suggestion on what might have happened (yes, I recognize it could be user error, but considering I did not have to do anything other than press some buttons, I cannot imagine how I screwed that one up).

  • JW_Researcher

    The sheet would not upload
    I too had a problem, but it was only after I attempted to submit it, it never finished it kept saying "waiting" and then my computer crashed and I had to reboot, so now I am a little frightened to try it again. Any suggestion on what might have happened (yes, I recognize it could be user error, but considering I did not have to do anything other than press some buttons, I cannot imagine how I screwed that one up).

    I just tried it and it seems to be working fine. Perhaps it was down for a bit (as happens here at JWD from time to time)? I'm not certain.

    Please try again. Your input is valuable.

    Thank you.

  • DJK

    Will the results, now that you have displayed them, benifit the JWs in any way?

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