Academic Survey: Ex-JW Participants Needed

by JW_Researcher 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JW_Researcher

    Thank you Codeblue.

    Does that mean there is a flaw in the survey or in me?

    The error is mine Slimboyfat. I apologize. The question attempts to get at whether one became a JW due to parental influence or not ..."as an adult."

    I should have placed a text box for "other."

    If you feel like trying again and selecting "as an adult" that would capture the data correctly.

    Either way, thanks for trying.

    I needed some continuous variables and some categorical variables.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Okay posted my responses just for yucks.

  • Big Tex
  • sass_my_frass

    Good luck with your study!

  • lonelysheep

    I just took it.

  • JW_Researcher
    I just took it.
    Good luck with your study!
    Okay posted my responses just for yucks.

    Thank you for the good wishes and participation! I need about 26 more to make 200 but either way I'll take the page down tomorrow.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I'm in. I think. I may have broken the "submit" thingie. It doesn't seem to want to accept my answers. Seriously. It won't accept my answers.


  • JW_Researcher

    I'm in. I think. I may have broken the "submit" thingie. It doesn't seem to want to accept my answers. Seriously. It won't accept my answers.


    Sorry Frannie. I'm certain it's nothing personal. Sometimes the site is as fast as lightening. Other times fairly slow.

    The only work-around that I can come up with (someone from the board did this so I didn't really "come up with it") is to complete the form, "select all" (right click anywhere on page), and paste it into an e-mail to me. My regular e-mail address is at the top of the survey form. I will enter the data and destroy the e-mail.

    OBVIOUSLY this is not for everyone. If you're trying to stay anonymous, please don't send me an e-mail. I noticed the site is quicker in the morning also.

    I have no idea how many surveys they are running this weekend may simply be near its capacity.

    Thank you for trying.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    It's a "done deal," JW_Researcher. Check your email.


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