Well gang, I have posted off and on here for several years now. I have been to several Apostafests and meetups, some I even organized. I have met some truly wonderful people, and there has always been a sense of camraderie that I have felt. By the end of this week I hope I havent lost most of you all. 2006 was the most difficult and soul searching year of my life. I know that I have truly hit rock bottom, and that I didnt have anything to lose anymore. For this I am somewhat grateful, as I dont think I would ever have confronted these issues in my childhood. I now feel free to confront everything head on-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Within this next week I wil reveal my plan to you. I can already imagine alot of negative comments, alot of criticism, alot of judging coming from within certain elements of the XJW community. One thing I have always tried to be was respectful, respectful of people and their own personal experiences growing up in the JW's. I would hope that I would be afforded the same courtesy. There are so many different types of people here, some I agree with and some I dont, but no matter what their new beliefs entail, no matter what their current politics are I have always tried to respect them, and to always look at the big picture instead of marginalizing myself into some subcategory or group.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jehovah's Witnesses are a destructive cult, group, religion, whatever you want to call it. The evidence is out there and it is overwhelming. I have yet to come across another so called Christian religion which leaves so much emotional baggage, so many children hurt, so many families destroyed. For this reason alone I work to expose it, and hopefully in doing so, help someone to escape it's clutches with the least amont of loss. I have an even more personal reason, as my life was so manipulated to the point of depression, and also for Amanda who has had to put up with my depression and anxiety for so many years.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My plan is very self controlled. I am in control of my destiny once and for all. My plan will garner alot of attention from the Christian sector of society. What I choose to do, will either quicken it or prolong it. Folks, my life story is gonna be made public and the Churches of Christendom and her various ministries will eat my story up, literally devour it, like a cat lapping up milk. I feel this is the only way left for me to feel justified, and I realize it is gonna cause alot of major trouble in my family, but I can no longer keep silent, for this is holding me back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I realize that once I get this plan going, my time on here will be minimal, but it would definitely have to happen if I make my plan a success. After I have sought out every ministry available, I will then turn my attention to Oprah,Montel, Maury, anyone who will listen, not Jerry Springer though.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now is the time I will discover who my true friends are and who are the conditional ones. If any of you have any connections to TV Shows, Newspaper reporters, publishing houses, lawmakers, then I would appreciate your help.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Remember to think outside the box, and to look at the big picture. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dave
Just pondering my upcoming plan
by Junction-Guy 27 Replies latest jw friends
you've spoken several times about your plan and how negatively some here will take it..
your not gonna shoot people or kill yourself or something destructive like that are you? i'm concerned !
No, absolutely not. No one is gonna be hurt. Amanda and I were hurt the most, and now we must heal from all of the nonsense we were forced to deal with. I expect alot of negative flack coming from the far left wing of the X JW community, especially since Im pursuing this in a Christian venue first. Trust me, no laws are gonna be broken, no buildings torched, no one hurt, but there may be some hurt feelings here, and I hope I dont totally offend anyone, but nevertheless I must go ahead with this, for it is the only thing stopping me from moving on in life.------------Dave
Maybe you should give us a little bit more info, its hard to tell what exactly your thining........hope its nothing bad.
it just concerns me dave because in the past you've been a very active protesting apostate already... picketing, i think i've read you've spoke at different events or venues.. so process of elimination of things that you havent already done, leaves violence.
i'm glad you responded and i do hope no violence is planned. i've not seen a lot of negative feedback to those who use christian venues to reach out and speak out about the jw's. so hopefully you're mistaken on thinking you'll get flak for that.
Sorry right now, I just cant. Amanda and I must discuss this in further detail first, since the last 13 years of my life were spent with her. Keep watching my new topics, and within a week I will reveal it all more perfectly clear.
Candidlynuts, there are still a few things I havent done, but mostly I havent really taken my life experience as a JW to major media. I have picketed many kingdom halls, even a convention, but they were in areas that no one knows me anyway. I came close in 2005 when there was a planned protest at Brooklyn that was cancelled. I could have been on the national news that day, if it had happened. Fear has held me back from fully tackling this head on. Im at a point in my life where Im totally miserable, hate my job, totally broke, in debt, but most of all I have lost Amanda, and I truly do miss her, and not a day goes by when I dont think of her. Amanda is still my friend above all, but she is 1000 miles away from me, and we both are truly heart broken.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidlynuts, I have tried emailing various news media about my story, all has fallen on deaf ears They really dont want to hear about a kid that was denied Christmas, denied birthdays, denied college, they could care less. I have finally started to tell more of my life story and Im getting some nibbles back, those nibbles will grow, and I no longer fear anything anymore, as the greatest gift I have ever receieved is now gone, nothing but picking up the pieces and moving on. ---Please dont be afraid as this has nothing to do with suicide, arson,murder, or anything else. It's is mostly about a heart broken man trying to recover and regain some kind of life.----------Dave
i feel reassured.. good luck to you , i hope you reach your goals!
It's is mostly about a heart broken man trying to recover and regain some kind of life.----------Dave
Dont worry, you will get there....It seems to take forever though doesnt it? I have been out for almost 22 years (besides a few meetings), and still have my problems.
Hang in there, and I hope your plan works!
I'm not sure how you could possibly offend anyone here. We are who we are regardless if we were/are jw's or not. I don't doubt the evangelical millions of this country (my family included) will believe what you have to say about the jw belief system itself. I also don't doubt most would believe the psedo cause and effect of then and now--->was a jw and is now athiest/gay/drinker/uses drugs/against all religion/has sex, etc.
So if you were to introduce some 'motivating factors' like that to people to see the WT for what it is, then they will. In addition to that, they will also refuse to accept that people are people no matter what, which will probably be the case regardless of what your plan entails. Nothing to lose, basically.
Reality is harsh when we choose to deny it.
Warm athiest love,