your not preachy you make sense
Thanks everyone for your answers. I feel ok now keep swinging about (well it is me!) guess with still going meetings i may have clung to him and expected too much just so i dont get sucked back into the witnesses for family, but i have realised (mostly due to this board) that i have to sort me out first and actually what i'd really like is to be on my own i never really have been,
i guess with David i just looked at the looks the sex and the nice family background (i was shocked at how moral and sweet and nice his whole family were, ) guess thats what prompted this thread i thought i'd stumbled on a diamond coz i had it drummed in me that guys in world just do not want to find love they just want sex, but they dont DO THEY?
i do feel alittle scared that i've lost the only worldly lad that is decent when really like he said we're so not right for each other.
so i'm gonna party for a while (thats my latest decision!!)