The corner is a corner of a circle, there will always appear to be a corner to them
The end is right around the corner
by buffalosrfree 14 Replies latest jw friends
The man is an idiot!..The generation of 1914 got tossed in the garbage can with the "New Light" "Generation Change" in 1995..This Genious Elder leads people???..To what?..Endless mistakes the WBT$ likes to call "New Light"..Thats what...OUTLAW
Watchtower 1997 January 1 p.1
“In the early 1920’s, a featured public talk presented by Jehovah’s Witnesses was entitled “Millions Now Living Will Never Die.” This may have reflected overoptimism at that time. But today that statement can be made with full confidence.”
So there!
I predict now, the following bold tactic of the WTS Governing Body-
There will be more comparison of God's decision to limit Mankind's days to 120 years before the flood,
according to Gen. 6:3. They will focus on the "possibility" that almost certainly, the same time-frame is
involved since 1914. They will push for the belief that this limits us to the year 2034. They will only do
this after their current "The end is imminently right around the NEXT corner" campaign. First, they will
continue to suggest that it is extremely close, then as the rank & file get tired of the same-old story, they
will switch to the huge 2034 campaign.Further, there will be a revival of the teaching that a creative day was 7000 years
long. Adam was created 6000 years before 1975. He was 130 by the time Seth was born, so 6000 years of
the sixth creative day must have ended within 130 years after 1975. ( A little less than that- as the sin in Eden had to
take place, and Cain and Abel both had to be born- after the creative day ended. 130 plus 1975 is 2105. Take a few years out of that and
they will be able to proclaim the end within this "twenty-first century." That campaign won't start until most of
us are dead- sorry.I have decided to post all my bold predictions for WTS, as some of them might come true.
With Fred Franz guiding the "new light" from beyond, I could be very right. -
for OTWO
2034 was discussed about four years ago on JWD. Here is a summary from Free Minds: