wannaexit, they are EXPENSES not profits! you and others who are calculating how much these guys get are not realizing that..
in addition what is submitted to the congregations for reimbursement is only a fraction of total expenses..the rest is made up by the WT in reimbursements, and provision of lodging, vehicles, etc.
i am glad you corrected yourself Blondie cause when I saw your first post..i was like, uh it goes back at least to Paul cause I know that in addition to taking collections for the poor in Judea..he accepted direct support a number of times...
his big point in Corrinthians 8 is how this support came from the poorer congregations of Macedonia and he was gently chastising the Corinthians who were wealthy by comparison...
although Paul never said so directly, it is probable that Paul received some help from his home congregation of Antioch, it being the one that "sent him out" ...
Paul relied upon he generousity of the faithful and made up the shortfall in a trade as a tentmaker during his ministry...
there isn't a problem with supporting these guys in part..there visit is only twice a year so on the whole its not much from the congregation..
but i do think that the show of hands voting on this and all other similar "congregatonal" matters is a farce...the only time i ever saw a non-unanimous vote was on a vote for expenditures for a computer for the congregation...