Is it wise to wake someone sleepwalking into the Watchtower trap?

by Gill 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gill

    Debbie - I think you're right on two counts. Firstly, the elderly, well, why kill them with the 'news' that everything they have lived with/for is a lie?!

    As for the family, I feel now that we must at least make a once and for all concerted effort to 'bomb' them with Watchtower history and information!

    I have in the past managed to stop a couple of studies with just one direct conversation and these people NEVER went to another meeting again.

    Could be that this family deserve the same opportunity and they can then decide for themselves.

    I've managed to track down their road.....I just need their house number!

  • DHL

    Gill, go for it, make their day!


  • greendawn

    They should get the other side of the story before they decide what to do, that's only fair, the dubs will only give them their side of the story through the so caled Bible Study which is a deceptive form of indoctrination.

  • DHL

    greendawn, that's so true! Help is surely more effective if one can make use of some remaining spots of independent thinking .


  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    If you are saying 'someone' then yes, but you are saying a whole family. As you well point out, the difficulties that could arise by trying to speak to one member alone. For some as we know living in the dream of the WTS is actually of little harm to them and some people would never survive outside of that or something else like it.

    Every person is responsible for their own actions, and although we are aware that many careful and clever technique's are used to draw someone into the lie, ultimately you can't go around trying to stop everyone joining. A better bet is to show by your actions, how life outside can be, and having discussions about it, rather than directly trying to influence.

    CS 101

  • Gill

    CS - I understand what you say BUT I have absolutely NO contact with this family and am beginning to believe they need at least one chance of 'open' information before they are drawn too deeply into the 'lie' to escape cleanly.

    It's a difficult call. There are always consequences and repurcussions and with a cult like the Watchtower, they can be unpredictable and bizarre!

  • iamfreenow


    I feel you are right to consider doing something to at least help this family make an informed choice about joining the Watchtower. It's possible that joining would split their family anyway. I just wonder how their teenage children will react to the sudden loss of freedom they are certain to experience if their parents do get baptised.

    Knowing the softer approach taken towards potential converts by Watchtower study aids nowadays, it might be a reasonable approach to inform them of the implications of the blood policy, which I very much doubt has been explained properly to them, and what it could mean to them if any of their family is in a position of needing blood.

    Also, if they have young children, particularly daughters, the Watchtower's record on child abuse might be interesting for them.

    Personally, in your position, I would feel obliged to at least try to do something.


  • OnTheWayOut

    While it is not required that you help people who don't want help, you will
    feel the sense that it is the right thing to do. A blind man crossing a busy
    street is a great example. He seems fine, he doesn't want help, so you
    don't help him- he might get upset at your offer. But suppose he doesn't know
    that the signal light is broken and that it's a foggy day, so the visibility is
    poor for the drivers? Should you help him then? You can at least inform
    him of the circumstances, then let him decide if he wants help.

    I have a coworker whose wife is JW. I only see the coworker occasionally,
    as he is a travelling representative. He asks me questions. Even though I am
    a fader, I feel a sense of duty. I point him in the right direction. I am concerned
    for the children in this case, so I help him to see- DON'T LET THEM GET BAPTIZED

    I hope this helped. They are unaware of the WT trap. Make them aware.
    The rest is on them.

  • Gill

    Thanks Iamfreenow and Onthewayout! I do feel compelled to do something, to inform them, to make them think, but at the same time am afraid there might be consequences for them. I suspect that the father may be something of a bully but am not sure of this, just a sneaky suspicion.

  • garybuss

    I've stopped a lot of studies. Earlier the better. To stop a study is to avoid the accident. To try to help after commitment is made to the group is cleaning up the wreckage. Virtually no family ever comes out intact.

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