Deception in our food

by greendawn 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Have you ever thought about the manipulation of our food by the food manufacturers/restauranters? How they add artificial flavours to make something taste what it is not? Isn't this some sort of deception?

    In chinese restaurants they load meat with monosodium glutamate to make it taste good. But why should meat need it? Is it because it was sitting in the freezer for a year or two and lost all its natural taste? Or because it is cheaper and more profitable (to them) second rate tasteless meat?

    Or think about crisps (in USA chips) that come in so many different flavours yet have nothing of the food that gives this taste, cheese and onion, roast beef, prawn cocktail, smoky bacon, etc. Or the soup stock cubes that are also loaded with Monosodium Glutamate and the soft drinks (in USA sodas) that taste like orange juice, apple juice, cherry juice and haven't got a drop of the corresponding fruit juice?

    Isn't the JW religion a similar Monosodium Glutamate religion that tastes so much like what it is not? It's a trend of these times.


    They may look glittering and cool but there is nothing natural or authentic in them much like the JW religion.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    True greendawn - I actually remember seeing a well known brand of crisps/chips labelled 'suitable for vegetarians'. Nothing too odd about that you may think - but they were bacon flavour

    I worked in dye manufacturing for several years. We made colours for food and other industries - you'd be horrified if you knew what nasty stuff goes into artificial food colouringsall I can recommend is AVOID WHERE POSSIBLE!!

    Anyhoo, back to the MSG and JW comparison - both are bad for your health too and may be life-threatening!

  • Undecided

    Can any religion be authentic? How can anyone prove any religion is the true one, or if there is any true religion? It all seems to be faith, something you make up in your mind and believe without proof.

    Ken P.

  • Mary
    In chinese restaurants they load meat with monosodium glutamate to make it taste good. But why should meat need it? Is it because it was sitting in the freezer for a year or two and lost all its natural taste? Or because it is cheaper and more profitable (to them) second rate tasteless meat?

    Bingo. It's cheaper and far more profitable. Alot of the garbage they put in our foods and the way they're prepared helps foster food addiction. There have been several studies done that show that food can be just as addictive as drugs or alcohol, as our brains become accustomed to the reward/pleasure syndrome and associates it with food. Generally speaking, people tend to reach for chocolate, chips, icecream, fried foods, and a host of other items when they're anxious, depressed or just because they taste good, rather than reaching for an apple or orange.

    Isn't the JW religion a similar Monosodium Glutamate religion that tastes so much like what it is not?

    Yes it certainly is. You get someone at the door who's just lost their husband, who's struggling financially, feels overwhelmed about life in general and the Dubs come along and promise them Paradise soon, where all their troubles will vanish. It looks and sounds absolutely wonderful, yet upon closer scrutiny, the religion, like MSG, is nothing but an additive to get you hooked.

  • kid-A

    I liken the JWs to the "Aspartate Religion" : artificial sweetness with carcinogenic properties....

  • Clam

    Kid-A I thought we were the Aspartates? By the way, is your avatar a young Paul McCartney?


  • juni

    Good points made from all of you.

    But dang I like those JellyBellys!!

    I don't know. I'll probably have stones thrown at me, but I've seen quite a few people die when they have forgone bad stuff. Not much left when you do away w/all that could be bad for you. Then you have unclean air, water, chemicals in furniture, clothing and the list goes on and on and on. And don't forget that STRESS kills. Jeeez. You could drive yourself crazy. And then where would you be? In lock down looking out.

    A lot has to do w/the genes we've inherited. You can eliminate all that is "bad" and still end up a corpse.

    So I feel just enjoy each day and live a clean life in all ways - morally and wash your vegetables and fruits good as you can. Practice smart health guidelines. There are a lot of things you have no control over. Then let it go and relax and enjoy life.

    Juni PS Remember the organic vegetables that had to be recalled due to bacteriums in them? People have died due to it. Nothing in this world is 100% safe.

  • SirNose586
    I liken the JWs to the "Aspartate Religion" : artificial sweetness with carcinogenic properties....

    I like that. All things considered, Jelly Bellies still rock, especially the Juicy Peach flavored ones...

  • juni



  • greendawn

    Sad Emo I know about the artificial colourings in food. In fact we shpouldn't trust any food that has been touched by industrialists it's almost inevitable they will do something nasty to it. It's big business making money just like the WTS. Remember those chicken soup stock cubes hardly contain any chicken but MSG makes people, and pets, love them. Of course they add it because the mixture has very little meaty flavour of its own.

    Kid A it's even better comparing the dubs to aspartame which is sweet but toxic.

    Mary it's also the whole image of the cult that makes it look like a spiritual paradise the spin they put on it.

    Juni and sirnose jelly bellies may be nice but they also secure a lot of work for the dentists. Something sugary that stays in the mouth for hours is damning for the teeth. And should we accept an artificial taste as genuine?

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