I have 12 " snow in my yard, and it is worst in other parts of the country.
You don't have 12 inches of snow, you have 12 inches of global warming, start shoveling.
by metatron 262 Replies latest jw friends
I have 12 " snow in my yard, and it is worst in other parts of the country.
You don't have 12 inches of snow, you have 12 inches of global warming, start shoveling.
I say follow the money to see who is behind advocating global warming. Someone stands to profit if society falls for the scare.Someone is always working an angle.
My personal opinion is, "No, we don't have to hear both sides in the instance where one side is clearly lying.
You know how to tell when a liberal is lying?....they open their mouth.
We had a lovely March 1 dump of snow this morning. Schools closed across the Puget Sound area, 7th snow day this year for my kids. It's really unsual to have snow in the Seattle area, it's happened so frequently this winter I'm keeping the boots and gloves by the front door.
A meteorologist that has over 25yrs experience in our area recently stated on a blog how many pushers of global warming actually stand to benefit and profit off the global warming myth by receiving funding and research dollars by promoting this theory as fact. Folks, the earth is very rugged--it is NOT fragile--and it and its climate will be here long after you and I have gone. Plus, the well-publicized hypocrisy of its main proponent, Algore, just shows that this is a POLITICAL issue, and not the dire emergency that it is being made out to be. Remember, in 1975 the same people were warning that we were about to enter another "ice age" and that half the US would be covered in ice. I wish these people would make up their minds.....
I don't care for theories being taught as fact. I was in highschool when the global cooling craze was going on. We had a teacher that bought into it lock, stock and barrel. All the kids knew exactly how to get in his good graces, simply write a paper on global cooling. Nevermind that it was theory, present it as a fact and a good grade was assured. He would alway make comments when it was cold out how we would have to get used to wearing our winter gear all year round. I imagine if he is still around he has now jumped on the global warming bandwagon.
To assume that if one believes the jury is still out on if warming temps are due completely to man or part natural and part man or not at all makes you somehow unable to also still believe in reducing general energy consumption, recycling, and other polllution controls is using an awful large brush to paint with.
I find many who complain of the woes of the world will not lift a finger themselves even though their passion seems to run quite high on a subject. Do they pick up trash? Do they do all they can to reduce their own energy needs/wants? I see many who quietly go about doing what they can without villifying those who are unable or even unwilling to take tangible steps to make a difference in the world. People can make a difference in small individual ways.
Don't forget the ozone hole hysteria that a good number of people fell for. That was the apocolypse "special of the week" for the eighties. They must think we're total idiots with absolutely no memory.
It's natural phenomena- the hot/cool cycles on our planet are cyclical, man's impact is very small.
BA- Doesn't buy the hype.
I don't buy it either. Too much religious hysteria for me. Should be the first warning sign for everyone here after what we have all been through. Reckless's point about the "Imminent ICE AGE" in the 70's is totally true! National Geographic had an article and others like Newsweek. But this website shows that the scientific community was very concerned. One paper warned we were nearing the end of an Interglacial. That was quite a scary prediction even though it meant a slide into another Ice Age over 100's even 1000's of years. http://www.wmconnolley.org.uk/sci/iceage/ The earths climate has been steadily climbing for 5-6000 years with dips and peaks like the stock market. Back in the 1600's Europe experienced what is called a mini ice age. So in modern times temperature has been steadily increasing from the 1700's until now. In the 1940's that 200 year trend reversed until 1980 when the temperature started to rise again. What pisses me off is how those who dispute Al Gores very profitable I might add, docufiction are called names like "Global Warming deniers". As if they are denying the holocaust! The truth is it is not as cut and dried as that at all. The voices in the back, and many learned and respected voices I might add are not denying that the earth is and has been warming for millenia, because that is undeniable from the scientific data. What they are doing is asking for scientific proof that greenhouse gases are to blame and that the principle cause is CO2 from humanities footprint which is actually very small. Scientist have studied past CO2 levels from core samples and the evidence actually shows that CO2 has never preceded a warming period, even though past CO2 levels have been as much as 10 times higher than now! That high period of CO2 followed a lengthy warming trend, as has been the case in the other periods that have been studied by climatologists. The culprit for global warming and cooling seems primarily to be the sun. Here in Canada a number of scientist have got together to not deny the existence of global warming, but get to the truth of the problem. David Suzuki who is a popular television naturalist (don't know what if any scientific credentials he actually has related to this issue) has shot verbal insults at them because they point out that the facts do not support his position. He says they are on the payroll of the oil company's which is absolutely not true. Most of the scientists are common faculty members of Canadian Universities or retired. David Suzuki on the other hand is living nicely in relative luxury being somewhat of a star here in Canada. He is presently traveling the country on a crusade to make people aware of "Climate Change" (he has actually dropped the term Global Warming so he can latch onto any blip in the weather to support his claims) as well as collect funding for his foundation. Isn't that nice. If any of you are interested there is a resource website and video presentation of some of the issues located here: http://www.friendsofscience.org/index.php?ide=3 Frank75 What we should all be asking is, if we cannot even depend on the weather channels 5 day forecast, why would we listen to a forecast that spans the next century?
Yep this is one of those don't touch the pot why because it's hot well how do you know. You know what I would say, well touch it and find out why. Then when yell at me why did you let me do that because you my friend will only learn the hard way. Now give hundred dollars to tell so I will tell you how to fix your hand.
I say let them them carry on as normal in a few years when they are out of oil and the enviroment is changed for the worse. They will have to pay us to fix it because we would of researched the fix. But then of course it might be to late to keep them from burning their hands off.
Capitolism is a bitch but when in rome do as the romans.
Tonight on my way home from the meeting my mom was relating some thing from when she was a teenager. It was how in the seventies the US auto industry would be in trouble if they didn't build small fuel friendly cars by 2000. They didn't of couse look where they are today. Last time I checked Chrysler was about to bought by Hyundai a comapny the wasn't even alive 20 years ago ( Atleast in the USA ). In fact wasn't making good cars till 1999. That is all they make small cars and SUV's Not only that but it is a sad day when Korean cars are more relible than American cars. I remember when Hyundai and Kia were trash. Now they are right behind Toyota and Honda for reliabilty.
I do believe the earth may be experiencing a warming trend.
I am not convinced that humans are making any significant contribution to that warming.
Whether they are or aren't, our air, water and soil is terribly polluted and getting worse. So I'm committed to being an environmentally responsible person, and I intend to learn more about it.