Brother Apostate,
You seem to have missed the point. I will quote you again :
At least for those who want to push the agenda that manmade sources are a major source, which, according to all currently available data, it's not.
The onus is on those who want to convince the world that there is a significant manmade contribution to global warming to cite sources!
You have made a bold claim. You have stated that ALL currently available scientific data indicates that manmade sources are not a major source of climate change. You are obviously aware that a large part of the world scientific commiunity disagree with you, and have presented their evidence as to why they take this stand - from their point of view thay HAVE proved this scientifically. The evidence is not a mystery, but peppered all over the Internet, scientific journals, peer reviewed papers, for all, including yourself, to research.
Now, what you need to do is to provide peer reviewed rebuttal evidence as to why, you, contrary to the majority of the scientific community disagree with them.
Please continue to note, that I have not expressed my own point of view as yet. I am just teaching you how to properly debate outside of the boundaries taught to you in 'Watching The World'. So, put up or shut up. That is all Abbadon is asking for you and your camp to do.
Present the science to evidence your views, as have those who adhere to the 'global warming' scenario.