by badboy 60 Replies latest jw friends
We had one elder who liked to use foul language with the sisters and sometimes with brothers. He told one sister, "shut up you one tiddy b***h." Or in front of another couple, besides my wife, his wife and I at dinner at his home proceeded to explain to us in grafic detail where the term "s**t eating grin" came from.
Or another elder who approved of his 70 year old plus wife breast feeding kids that she baby sitted. And when he was on jc's he loved to get all the sordid details on sisters/sex, so he could share the stories with his wife.
Or the many hypocrites who would tell you to get out in field service when in many instances more than half the elders I ever served with never averaged any more than 3 - 5 hours a month in service themselves.
Or this one elder who seemed to be obsessed with sex. In one instruction talk he describe how girls loved to get aroused by riding horses or bikes, "getting that friction", as he called it. Or how boys could get a "stiffening of the penis". This guy and his wife where totally whacked out.
I knew some really nice elders too. But the bad ones caused way more harm than the good ones could ever overcome.
Frannie: It's funny what you said, I post as MAN on Silent Lambs. I'm still trying to understand why that elder would describe fornication's smell and taste. Isn't that almost like telling a porn story? Jesus, what an idiot!! And "bizarre elders"? Isn't that a redundant phrase??
I have a feeling that there are hundreds if not thousands more stories that could be told about elders out there in WT land. I don't know if I want to know the whole story. It might be bad for my heart. What a sick cult.
Frannie Banannie
I have a feeling that there are hundreds if not thousands more stories that could be told about elders out there in WT land. I don't know if I want to know the whole story. It might be bad for my heart. What a sick cult.
mcsemike, I believe this to be too sadly true....and that they've found a venue in which to perpetuate their sickness.
Hello everyone!
I can remember a guest elder who gave a talk in my home congregation in connecticut. He thought it was funny to make fun of another elder. He stated " The family head should set an example for all in the congregation to see!!! Not like brother____ who sits on one side of the kingdom hall and his family sits on the other. Just look at him!! He's a fat slob and bald!!!" This elder would also make fun of the sisters in the kingdom hall who were overweight! I was new and wish now, I never returned to the hall!
Another elder was getting ready to go into the circuit work. During a wedding talk, he stated that not all sisters will find a married mate because there just aren't enough brothers and because some of you just aren't attractive and will have to just deal with that!!! My friend was in tears! I told her to wait on God and he will bless you, inspite of what this wanna be ciruit overseer stated.
Another elder who I really respected at one time, was very loving and caring, so I thought! He did not want any brothers in the hall who were minority speaking to or dating any of his daughters! So much for love!!!
When I was at bethel, in the congregation I served in brooklyn, the body of elders loved to drink! One elder stated that if you did not drink when you were at his house, you were a whimp!!!. I will relate my own personal story when I was at bethel in the near future!
they weren't all bizarre - some were quite nice and I liked them. However, when a nice person is trying to follow the rules of an insane organization, they act a little weird, even while they are trying to convince themselves it isn't weird. However, power corrupts, and some were right bastards. And if they get their cronies in as elders, then there is no one guarding the guards, as it were.
Hardly every met any wacko elders compared to the ones described here. A US phenomenon?
Some elders are/were nice people. But one important point is this. How will that elder act if his back is pushed against the wall? He might think I'm right or that something is unfair. But if I'm on the carpet, will he stand up for me? Even if it costs him his position?
I recently wrote to an elder who did the marriage talk for me 30 years ago. I considered him my "mentor" when I was a MS. In fact, when HE had problems, he came to ME for help, not any of the other elders. He recognized the bond we had. But when I was reproved and my wife left me and I moved to FL (one hour away from where HE now lives), and I asked him to save my family (there was a potential suicide involved), he wrote back (not a phone call even) and told me he grieved for me BUT: I had to go back to the meetings, cease all "apostate contacts on the internet (he doesn't have a computer) and pray for Jehovah's spirit. "Then we'll talk" were his words. I wrote back and said no. There isn't time to "prove" myself, I'm not going to do that anyway, and someone may die because of this. Where is your compassion?? I never heard from him again.
So THAT'S your WT "Christian love" in action. I'm not willing to play by their rules, so if I or a family member dies, that's too bad. When WT rules (NOT BIBLE TEACHINGS, THE TWO ARE NOT!!!!! THE SAME) come before a person killing himself/herself, them we are looking at a CULT. And a "child-raping" cult at that.
Again, you WT lurkers can steam and turn red and curse us as "apostates" all you want to, but you are NOT God's organization. There was a nice link here a month ago about "God's organization" and how he used others who weren't in it, like Job. It also showed that when the Jews displeased God, he had NO organization. So I consider that even if God ever did use the WT (which is highly doubtful), he's certainly NOT using them now because of their conduct. Raping 4 year old babies and lying about it isn't quite what Jesus taught us to do with our lives. The WT is guilty of disobeying "get out of her my people if you do not want to share in her plagues". The GB can play games all they want with corporate structures in order to evade legal responsibility, but it is God that you will answer to, not the IRS.
The WT is a CULT, no better than the Nazis. You have ruined countless families. You have bloodguilt for each and every person who died because of your stupid blood rules, rules on organ transplants, and vaccinations. You will give an eye for an eye for every person who committed suicide because of your shunning policies (and your many flip-flops on those). "Not many of you should become teachers, because you will render a weightier account." Can't you read?? Try a REAL Bible for a change, not one that high school graduates wrote during a wine tasting party.
I may be bitter about your still being in existence, but you destroyed my family, my health and my daughter's future. I will organize all the assets I can to expose you and help destroy you. It may not happen in my lifetime, but we have more money, people, energy, and FACTS than you ever will. Someday the world will see that you are SATAN and will turn on you. If they don't, God will.
Oh, "have a nice day".
Handsome Dan
Old ignorant uneducated men with the power of God in their hands is never a good thing for humanity and never will be.