First of all this isnt my my big plan that I plan to reveal later this week. I just got off the phone with my brother, and got the shock of a lifetime. The old kingdom hall that we attended as teenagers apparently is gonna be demolished sometime in the future. The state of Ohio has plans to build a new highway exit, it just so happens that this kingdom hall sits right next to the interstate. The state of Ohio plans to use eminent domain and purchase this kingdom hall, now here's the even better part. My brother has some connections to someone who will be involved in this project, he has told my brother that this kingdom hall will be used by the local fire departments as a training exercize. They will burn it to the ground. Even much better news is that we have the opportunity to light the initial match. I told Darin that I also want to bring some sledge hammers along too.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I dont know the time frame when this will happen, but it is in the near future. I have always been one to be sad to see old building tore down in the name of progress, this time I will make an exception-LOL
That's progress !!!--chance of a lifetime
by Junction-Guy 34 Replies latest jw friends
Well, that's cause for celebration, no?
Bring the video camera. Also a spare Kindom Hall sign just in case the old one is removed.
Yep, you can bet I will have video, stills, you name it, Im already planning it. Depending on the situation and how many people are allowed to be there, we could hold a mini-apostafest. I'll bring a BBQ grill, my brother is gonna bring champagne.The witnesses used to have a saying when they would look at buildings and start thinking of armageddon--"such a pretty building, shame it's gonna burn at armageddon" Can y'all tell Im on cloud nine? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
Dave -- Get the torching on video and put it on youtube. You could entitle it "Vengeance of Jehovah" with "Then They Will Know" (Song 112 from the "Sing Praises to Jehovah" songbook) playing in the background. That'd be awesome!
I bet the WBTS is making $$ $$$$ $ on that one. Philip
Yes, definitely youtube. I wonder how much money they will make from it? Also they will have to build a replacement for it. Im wondering where they will put it?
Also they will have to build a replacement for it. Im wondering where they will put it?
It might fit in Jarascz' poop chute.
darth frosty
Last year it was watchtowers, this year kingdom halls, your moving up in the world.
So you say the Big Plan will be reveled Fri or Sat. Sat. was always the last day of the week for me. This is not a jehovah week is it?