An Inconvenient Pool - Algore

by Bonnie_Clyde 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • OICU8it2

    It has been pointed out Algore's carbon offsets are purchased from a company he started and is the chairman of. It is a boutique energy company which purchases tree plantings, green energy, etc. It only sells offsets to Algore at the present. What Koolaid. The liberals want capitalism to vanquish and socialism to prevail.

  • misocup
    If Mr. Gore is going to lead the rest of us on global warming

    At least someone is taking the lead! What is Bush doing?

    The change has to start somewhere. While Mr. Gore uses electricity just like the rest of us, he's done us all a favor by enlightening us to the fact of global warming. He cannot save the planet by himself, if he gave up his pool what would that prove? The only thing gained by this ridiculous "expose" is that people will focus on his energy use instead of trying to find other clean forms of energy. It's a political tactic, Gore is not trying to lead by example as if global warming is a choice of belief instead of a scientific fact.

    By distracting us from the real issue of global warming, the oil peddlers are making billions of dollars!

  • UnConfused

    What Gore does or does not do in his personal life doesn't change the fact that there is a correlation between carbon dioxide and warming.

    Everything else is justification for or against.

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    By distracting us from the real issue of global warming, the oil peddlers are making billions of dollars!

    And where do you think Algore's money came from? [See Occidental Petroleum]

  • AuldSoul

    I have had really bad gas for two days. What should I do to offset my excess methane emissions?

  • Qcmbr

    The solutions to overconsumption all rely on lowered consumption. What few want to contemplate is how low that consumption would have to go - imported wine would be a christmas treat, meat would be a once a week family meal, driving cars would be an occasional luxury and the work commute would be on foot. Our society and each person within that society would have to alter their lifestyle and wind back the consumption clock to a previous age. Belief to me entails action, thus all th edebates about global warming, over pollution etc.. are really fought by actions not statistical interpretations, if Gore really believed what he was selling he couldn't consume at the level he does despite such sops as carbon offsetting.

  • nvrgnbk


    Though I like Gore when compared to all of the other options for Prez(and yes I know he's not officially running), I must agree with your summation.

  • Satanus


    I have had really bad gas for two days. What should I do to offset my excess methane emissions?

    Two days without food for you, you bourgious gluttonous anti-gore nature terrorist. After that penance, report to a soon to come nieghborhood gore nature temple for a full confession to some of his qualified accolytes. Accept w grace any additional conditions and money requirements they may lay upon you. S *hehe*

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