Some humans make too big of a deal with "thinking". It is just one aspect of being an organism. We also feel, sense & do. We are thinkers, feelers, doers, and seers. These four things (1. sensing 2.Thinking 3. feeling 4. doing) are all interconnected to the life process. The four attributes of God are related to these four things: Love = feeling Wisdom = sensing Thinking = Justice Power = Doing.
In this context thinking by itself can really get fucked up. (Sorry for using that word. But I am getting more courage to rebel) Thinking is effective and creative ONLY if it is balanced with the other functions. Think about people who are locked in their brains - Autism Spectrum Disorders. There is a disconnect between feeling and thinking.
Once when talking with Karl Klein (dead GB) he told me that where women are Wisdom and Love - men are Justice and Power. While I don't agree with such a sweeping statement it does seem that Wisdom and Love are more heteronomous and Justice and Power are more autonomous. I don't want to "think" without input from my "feelings". I don't want to act without "feeling" Sometimes, though there isn't time to think so I have to act without deliberation and I am at the mercy of my "feelings". Wisdom often comes by setting aside your thoughts (pre-judgement-prejudice) which is the basis for Eastern Meditative practices.
Terry, as they used to say in the 1960's empty your head and come to your senses.
By the way - I believe our temperaments are the result of how we "mix=temper" Love/Feeling Wisdom/Sensing Justice/Thinking Power/Doing
Terry, I would say you are a Justice/Wisdom/Power/Feeling person.
I am a Wisdom/Love/Justice/Power person
What do YOU think YOU are?