Does anyone know why the Bulletin Board at the back of most US Kingdom Halls is called an Information Board? I called it a BB once from the platform and was corrected. I've also heard the same from others.
Bulletin Board versus Information Board
by mavie 18 Replies latest jw friends
Bulletin comes from the word "bull" as in papal (Pope-head of the Catholic Church) directives.
Bulletin from bulletino, the diminutive of bulla, as in papal bull. The bulla was a seal, and a papal bull had the Pope's ring pressed in hot lead. bulletin
- 1765, from Fr. bulletin, modeled on It. bulletino, dim. of bulletta "document, voting slip," itself a dim. of L. bulla (see
bull (2)). Popularized by their use in the Napoleonic Wars as the name for dispatches sent from the front meant for the home public (which led to the proverbial expression as false as a bulletin ). The first record of bulletin-board is from 1831.- bull (2)
- "papal edict," 1297, from L. bulla "sealed document," originally the word for the seal itself, from bulla "round thing, knob," said to be ult. from Gaulish, from PIE *bul- (cf. Lith. bule "buttocks," M.Du. puyl "bag").
- bulletin
Thank you Blondie,
I now understand why my ex-Catholic JW Elder corrected me.
So here's a related question: When did calling it the "Bulletin Board" start? Was it from the days when the Kingdom Ministry was called "The Bulletin"?
Mavie it should be called a bull-e-tin board cause it was full of bull sh*t! I think you were correct in calling it that!
It amazes me how many little insignificant, time wasting corrections like that were made. Yet no one seems to have any issues with the Pagan origins of the wedding ring! They all wear them, what the difference? It's insane!
Good point BP. It's all about control.
This is a question that comes up from time to time on JWD. I think the term 'bulletin board' is more commonly used in the US. Over here, (NZ) , we usually call it a notice board.
You're right BP though, something about gnats and camels come to mind with these people. -
That's true, Craig. But it wouldn't be the first time that the WTS made an error in doctrine or policy.
*** jv chap. 16 pp. 246-247 Meetings for Worship, Instruction, and Encouragement ***
The Bulletin, a folder containing information directly related to the field service, contained a brief testimony, then called a canvass, that was to be memorized and used when witnessing to people.
jv sect. 3 chap. 16 p. 246 Meetings for Worship, Instruction, and Encouragement
Even before 1900 a pamphlet entitled SuggestiveHintstoColporteurs was sent to those who enrolled for this special service. Starting in 1919 the Bulletin was published to provide stimulus for the field service, first in distributing TheGoldenAge and later with regard to all the various types of evangelizing activity.
*** w00 2/1 p. 28 Jehovah Is My Refuge and Strength ***
Since TheWatchtower was then banned in France, we printed the magazine each month in the form of a 64-page booklet. The booklet was called TheInteriorBulletinofJehovah’sWitnesses, and it contained the articles to be studied in the congregations for the month.
Let's not forget THE INFORMANT
INFORMANT (Newsletter)
(Earlier called Director for Field Publishers; Bulletin for Jehovah’s Witnesses; Watch Tower Bulletin; Bulletin)
(Later called Kingdom Ministry; Our Kingdom Service; Our Kingdom Ministry)
*** w55 5/15 p. 299 Part 10—Modern Restoration of True Worship (1919-1932) ***
In October, 1935, this monthly service instrument was named "Director," and finally in July, 1936, was given its present title "Informant.")
And the change from Kingdom Ministry to Kingdom Service back to Kingdom Ministry
and the time they renamed the meetings for field service RENDEZVOUS
*** km 2/71 p. 8 par. 5 Presenting the Good News—Starting Bible Studies with Subscribers ***
When waiting for others at rendezvous for field service,
*** km 1/70 p. 7 Announcements ***
Each congregation may make its own arrangements for the Watchtower study, possibly on the book study night at the rendezvous or on Saturday at the Kingdom Hall.
That one didn't last long.
Interesting fact...I have never thought about that.....
What ridiculous, time wasting, crap that is.