Those raised as JWs-Do you recall the path of doubts that led you to leave?

by ithinkisee 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    Great Topic.

    I remember reading a sign from an evil, satan-inspired apostate as a child at the Dodger Stadium convention. It was regarding 1975. It referenced the 1968 WT. I went to the KH library as an adult and read how they painted a picture that the end was sooooo close.

    My Grandfather was born in 1906, GM in 1912. When they died in 1989, I started wondering about the generation doctrine. In 1995, the article was the last straw.

    My children wanted to celebrate birthdays and I found that Job's children did, along with the angels at Jesus' birth.

    What religion does not want it's people to go to college?......and seeing firsthand that bethel was a slave labor camp for the brain-dead.

    These were the breaking points for me.

  • Anti-Christ

    My first doubts or questions I was about 8-9years old. It was wen my dad would beat the crap out of me and then he would quote Proverbs "beat your child he will not die"

  • nvrgnbk


    My first doubts or questions I was about 8-9years old. It was wen my dad would beat the crap out of me and then he would quote Proverbs "beat your child he will not die"

    I'm so sorry. That was all too common.


  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Old ignorant uneducated men with the power of God in their hands is never a good thing for humanity and never will be.

  • nvrgnbk

    Old ignorant uneducated men with the power of God in their hands is never a good thing for humanity and never will be.

    Well said, Handsome.


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    First and foremost, the hypocrisy I observed. Elders saying one thing from the platform, yet doing the opposite outside the KH. This was my first doubt, which I first saw as a child, and which continued to the day I exited the borg.

    Then, in no particular order, the long list of unscriptural commands on:










    Limiting sexual intercourse positions within a heterosexual marriage.


    Breaking up families

    · Hiding pedophiles

    · Regular attendance at assemblies and meetings.

    · "Field Service"

    · Keeping records of hours, magazines and books placed,. etc.

    · Blood transfusions (blood eating is unscriptural, but not transfusions, IMO)

    · Focus on works, not faith

    · Focus on external appearances, rather than the heart condition and fruitage of the spirit

    · Condemnation, or judging, of non-JWs as worthy of death.

    · Men with vasectomies can't be an MS or Elder

    · GB claims to be mediator, rather than Jesus

    · FDS lies

    · WTBTS Literature is greater than the Bible, they turn their opinions into rules, and DF or DA anyone who disagrees with their provably unscriptural rules.

    · · Make sure you get your minimum 10 hours, and "pioneer" if you can (or have a good excuse why not)

    · It's best to be wealthy, and generous to the DO, CO and other higher ups, the "green handshake" will get you everywhere. (Big house, nice new cars, wear high-end suits/dresses, jewelry, flash that cash).

    · No beards

    · If you're a "brother", make sure you grab a title ASAP (Ministerial Servant, Elder, etc)

    · Only associate closely with those of your "status".

    · Have the confidentiality abilities of a sieve.

    · Make sure you don't get caught doing wrong, emphasis on don't get caught.

    · Bonus: Be from a large family that has many Elders and Ministerial Servants; this greatly reduces the need for "discipline" if caught engaging in "wrongdoing".

    BA- what I observed above is why I left.

  • JK666

    The 2 big ones for me were: 1. That the Pay Attention book exists, and that the rank and file cannot see it, even when decisions are made from it that affect you. 2. The UN scandal! JK


    I came out officially in 1991. I did not have the benefit of the internet (Al Gore had not yet invented it, lol), but I did have an interesting run in. As I mentioned before, my dad was attending the Kingdom Ministry School (the one for elders) training in Denver, CO. My mom and I went with him, and we went out in service one week day. It was my door, and I knocked dutifully. A pleasent ladies in her early 30s came to the door. She respectfully listened, and then made a statement, that shook me down to loafers. She said, "The problem with JWs is that you only do what the GB tells you to do." I had no intellectually honest answer, but I regurgitated the JW line on her.

    She never took the defensive, but kept me on the defensive. That began the upsetting of the dominoes. Then I read the book 1984, and I saw the parallels between Big Brother and the WT$. Then I came across Robert Bowman's book which wholly refuted the WT$'s Trinity brochure. Bowman should the sloppy scholarship, at best, or down right deception, at worst, of the WT$. I reasoned that if they are that wrong about the Triune nature of God, what else are they wrong about? So I began in depth research of WT$, and wht I found was shocking. Not only did the church believe the things that the JWs deny, but actively defended these beliefs.

  • stillajwexelder

    Not left yet - but 607 NOT the date for Jerusalems destruction. DFing and Reinstatement not in line with the scriptures - see the parable of the prodigal son

  • nvrgnbk

    Come on Stilla,

    You gotta get the hell outa there already! She's about to blow sky high!

    Just kidding. Take your time. You know what you're doin'.


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