Nearly Middle Aged Woman Asks: Should I watch the Sopranos?

by Crumpet 35 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Crumpet

    Okay call me an Old cycnic but the channel that did the survey on saturday night that had Sopranos come out as best TV drama ever in the history of Tv Drama screens epsiode 1 of season 6 tonight....FIX!

    However now i have a very important decision to make - do I watch season 6 which commences tonight or do I wait til I can get hold of season 1 and work my way through? Is the lack of viewing chronology going to affect my viewing pleasure?

  • Paralipomenon

    I only saw Law & Order SVU after watching Oz. I think just about every major character in Oz has made at least an appearance on SVU if not a leading role.

  • Jourles
    do I watch season 6 which commences tonight or do I wait til I can get hold of season 1 and work my way through?

    as everyone else will tell you, start from the beginning.

  • Andy C
    Andy C

    HBO ROME. Great series. Sopranos of antiquity

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    crumpet who is the nearly middle aged woman??? lol

    Yeah anyway. I disagree with your calculations of nearly middle aged as well!

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Don't watch the Sopranos unless you're really curious about the psychology of violent personalities and sociopathic behaviours, the family dynamics of mobsters, and only if you don't mind getting totally addicted to really, really, really good, but graphic, sexist television drama.

    It's one of the best nightmarish and fascinating shows I've ever watched. I was totally absorbed with (and sometimes critical of) the psychiatric sessions. Tony's obsession with his shrink is both disturbing and fascinating and his shrink seems to me to be one of the bravest - (perhaps most brazen, too) - female professionals in the history of recent television or movies. She too might have a bit of an obsession herself with this particular client and takes a number of risks, flirting with disaster at times. The insights of those sessions and how they impact her personally are mind-boggling. She bravely asks questions no one else would ever get away with asking of this person who is part monster, part hero. She gets away with that because of being a female (who invokes a lot of emotional attachement in Tony; and she is very professional (at least a few seasons ago when I was still watching the show).

    I question whether or not Tony is actually a sociopath (as his shrink privately assesses in one episode). Supposedly, sociopaths have no conscience; the scientific research done on diagnosed sociopaths in prisons suggests that the part of the brain that is active in decisions of conscience is inactive among sociopaths. The character of Tony, however, is haunted by conflicts of guilt and anxiety of all sorts and suffers panic attacks - so I questioned the sociopath assessment, although his actions, attitudes and general ability to dehumanize and objectify others in many different ways might lead one to that sociopath assessment.

    One thing you can say about the Sopranos; they are a bunch of characters. Their kids are a trip! It's a totally addictive show. But very graphic and sexist and . . . well, it's t.v.

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