With Mary's review of the April 1 WT study article and this weeks public talk by the circuit overseer on obeying the channel of communication that Jehovah has provided through means of the faithful and discreet slave, things are really hotting up.
The CO practically shouted that we had to obey Jesus' representatives to gain salvation.
This repetitive mantra of obey the channel, obey God's representatives, obey the faithful and discreet slave is really scary.
They have already replaced Jesus as their Old Testament priesthood takes over, they have sidelined all non-anointed as "companions" of Jesus, what more do they want?
This is getting increasingly like what Daniel and his three companions had to face - worship the golden image or die.
Is it me or has the drumbeat of obeying the faithful slave taken on a decidedly louder beat?
The faithful slave does not exist anyway. The 8,600 of the remnant have almost no input whatsoever in the day to day affairs of running the WT machine. Elders are only instructed to count the partakers not to commune with them and maybe learn something.
The faithful slave are simply 12 old men in Brooklyn who maintain an image of a worldwide faithful slave providing everyone with food at the proper time.
How many of the anointed that you met as a JW gave you food at the proper time?