CO's talk includes drumbeat of obeying Jehovah's channel the faithful slave

by truthseeker 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    With Mary's review of the April 1 WT study article and this weeks public talk by the circuit overseer on obeying the channel of communication that Jehovah has provided through means of the faithful and discreet slave, things are really hotting up.

    The CO practically shouted that we had to obey Jesus' representatives to gain salvation.

    This repetitive mantra of obey the channel, obey God's representatives, obey the faithful and discreet slave is really scary.

    They have already replaced Jesus as their Old Testament priesthood takes over, they have sidelined all non-anointed as "companions" of Jesus, what more do they want?

    This is getting increasingly like what Daniel and his three companions had to face - worship the golden image or die.

    Is it me or has the drumbeat of obeying the faithful slave taken on a decidedly louder beat?

    The faithful slave does not exist anyway. The 8,600 of the remnant have almost no input whatsoever in the day to day affairs of running the WT machine. Elders are only instructed to count the partakers not to commune with them and maybe learn something.

    The faithful slave are simply 12 old men in Brooklyn who maintain an image of a worldwide faithful slave providing everyone with food at the proper time.

    How many of the anointed that you met as a JW gave you food at the proper time?

  • hubert

    The CO practically shouted that we had to obey Jesus' representatives to gain salvation.

    WOW !!! They must be losing tons of young j.w.'s !!!


  • lfcviking

    This is getting increasingly like what Daniel and his three companions had to face - worship the golden image or die.

    Yes totally agree. Its seems people inside the JW Org are unawarely worshipping the FDS when the think they are worshipping Jehovah.

  • Mary
    Is it me or has the drumbeat of obeying the faithful slave taken on a decidedly louder beat?

    It's working it's way up to a deafening screech. Like coming out of a heavy metal vomit concert: You can't hear anything else, which is just how they want it. The Governing Body are panicking that that the R&F aren't showing them the proper worship respect and are perhaps starting to question their authority, their countless false prophecies, their screw up of the blood doctrine, the pedophile problem, and the fact that Armageddon is nowhere in sight. You've got 3 generations all living now that are reaping the repercussions of listening to these arrogant assholes: 1) Those born around 1914 or shortly afterwards. Most have already died, but there are those still around who must be prepared to die, even though they were told they never would; 2) Those born around WWII who were told not to pay into any pension plans or save any money for retirement, and who must now work 2 or 3 jobs to survive and 3) Baby boomers, who were told not to get an education or make anything of yourself, because The End would be here in 1975. The 4th generation are those young enough where they can still save, buy a house, get an eduation, if they're smart enough to see through the lies.

    There has never been an apology from these goons for screwing people's lives up, but there apparently is a big problem with people questioning their authority. From what they've written in today's WT study article, they've officially placed themselves on equal footing with Jesus. When it comes to the Memorial talk, they most definitely promote themselves and barely mention the Messiah. It's only a matter of time before they officially usurp Jehovah's position as well.

  • SirNose586

    With Mary's review of the April 1 WT study article and this weeks public talk by the circuit overseer on obeying the channel of communication that Jehovah has provided through means of the faithful and discreet slave, things are really hotting up.

    The CO practically shouted that we had to obey Jesus' representatives to gain salvation.

    I would really like to call them out on their blatant idolatry. Given enough time, the situation will present itself.

  • Borgia

    Since I only "enjoy" the sunday meeting: we just concluded the CO visit and I thought: this guy must be kidding.....

      1) Who may enter into the new world:
      a) People doing Psalm 15
      b) Peolple obeing the slave. No scripture offered. Only mantra: the thought of gaining salvation only if we obey the FDS was repeated 4 times in a row!MATRA!
    2) Keep on donating your money on the international building commitee for kingdumb halls.
    3) Obey the salve is essential (repeated 3x)
    4) NO mention, not once, of the prerequisite of accepting Jesus as your savior by provising the ransom.NOT ONCE. NOT EVEN A HINT!
    5) OT examples to enlighten christians (Psalms 15 contrary to Mark 12:30-32 which has a far more ethical reach)
    6) WTS does not live up (what's new) to it's own measure by providing interest bearing loan's for building of kingdumb halls! To be honest, this was really the best CO visit I ever experienced!



  • greendawn

    You are making some good points, the FDS doesn't exist at least in the way that they describe him, and that talk about obeying the FDS is a classic example of cultic manipulation: if you want salvation obey the FDS. They never stop for a moment to think that to all intents and purposes the FDS is a power lusting group of 10 or 15 men in Brooklyn that have marginalised all the rest of the FDS members even the ones that are clearly not fruitcakes.

  • Mary
    The faithful slave does not exist anyway. The 8,600 of the remnant have almost no input whatsoever in the day to day affairs of running the WT machine. Elders are only instructed to count the partakers not to commune with them and maybe learn something.

    I agree. In fact, the scripture in Matthew gives no indication that this "slave" or "servant" would consist of a small group of men in the 20th century. Jesus himself does not identify any one person or a group of people with this slave. He simply asks the question:

    Matthew 24:45-47: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Truly I say to YOU, He will appoint him over all his belongings.

    Jesus spoke to his followers using parabels. Even the WTS acknowledges that. There's no evidence that the "Slave" referred to in Matthew is any more a literal person or persons, than the Prodigal Son, the Rich Man or Lazarus, the one finding a hidden treasure, or the Ten Virgins. He drew on stories that the Jews were familiar with. The story of the 'faithful and wise servant' who is 'appointed over all his masters belongings' sounds alot like the story of Joseph when he was entrusted by Potiphur over his entire household and who went on to be Pharoah's right hand man. To me, the message Jesus is trying to convey is: if his followers are 'faithful slaves', they can expect to be richly rewarded by him.

    The Governing Body has been neither faithful nor discreet. In fact, they perfectly fit the description of the Evil Slave. Who is it that is getting more freaked out with Armageddon's non-appearance? Who is it that is beating their fellow 'brothers' with more and more man made rules, forcing brothers and sisters to cut off their own flesh and blood, forcing parents to watch their children needlessly die, and disfellowshipping those who go to the police to report criminal activities within the religion? Who is it that has screwed millions out of a decent education, or told entire generations not to get married, have children or even get life insurance?

    If the thugs who are running this cult truly believe in a Judgement Day, then they should be shitting in their literal pants at the thought of having to explain all their disgusting actions to God one day.

  • stillajwexelder

    The faithful slave are simply 12 old men in Brooklyn who maintain an image of a worldwide faithful slave providing everyone with food at the proper time.

    Actually it is down to 10

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    This repetitive mantra of obey the channel obey God's representatives, obey the faithful and discreet slave is really scary.

    Yeah-yeah. Spirit mediums do "channeling," too. You should be scared!

    Frannie (of the "they're earthling men in whom one should not put their trust" class)

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