That was good -- we're on the same humor wavelength.
Pathetic Speakers
by Alpaca 40 Replies latest jw friends
Some people are just plain "igneous". They'll never learn. and It's also true that the path out of the WTS mind cult is a "metamorphic" experience. Phunny stuff....... Sorry about the cryptic message. I am trying to figure this board out.
Welcome neighbor....
my dad was one of those pathetic speakers...but with a 6th grade education, what do ya expect.
Welcome Alpaca, for good reason James says
James 3:1,2 1 Dear brothers and sisters, not many of you should become teachers in the church, for we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2 Indeed, we all make many mistakes. For if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way.
For more reason than one, where were some of these "gifted" brothers on sleepness nights?
Alpaca, welcome to JWD!
I am trying to figure this board out.
There are all types here. And everything is discussed, from humour to the sad and serious business of leaving "the truth".
Look forward to hearing more from you.
Crafty Lady
Pathetic speakers were bad and so were the bad readers. You know, the ones who always read the Watchtower or book study paragraphs so slowly and badly that it was excruciatingly painful. Sometimes, I felt like calling out the words (just to help out). The last book study group I went to, the one brother who read had a very limited education and was obviously uncomfortable reading, but as one of the few males, he had to do it. Poor guy. Of course, women can't teach..... Grr.....
Greetings Alpaca,
This guy probably cut grass for a living and he definitely had only a marginal command of language.
Another example of the need to kill two hours on a Sunday no matter what. Inasmuch as it'd be easier to just do the watchtower, then send the sheep home, the audience has to suffer with someone who uses "word salad" in an attempt to sound articulate.
I need a pillow.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. Later this year will be my 10th Anniversary out of the "BORG" (what a great term--who coined it?) so I am pretty well healed, but wow what a waste. The really sad thing is that there are so many genuinely nice, good witnesses and they just don't get it. By a very odd twist of fate and circumstances, my best friend from my years as a teen, in and out of the "BORG," ended up in Ohio (we started our friendship in Florida) not far from where I live and we have resumed our friendship after half a lifetime of being out of touch. I have found peace of mind and spirit in agnostic/atheist secular humanist philosophy. CFI (Center for Free Inquiry) is a great national nonprofit resource for like-minded people...this is an organization that exposes B.S. everywhere.
I was watching a story on utube (?) anyway, it was about JW's called knocking. All the replies at the end were from JW's and not on of them could spell or correctly state a sentance.
Maybe if the spent as much time on education as they do on trying to convert people to this cult they would be able to read, write, spell and use these words correctly in sentances!!!
and not on of them could spell or correctly state a sentance .
Maybe if the spent as much time on education as they do on trying to convert people to this cult they would be able to read, write, spell and use these words correctly in sentances!!!
Hilarious! I sure hope you were trying to be funny.