Wow sparky, you have me in tears here. As you may know, I had to do the same thing with my mom. But it went nothing like that!!! Yikes. I cried for days also. But I finally had to get a hold of myself and listen to everyone telling me I did the right thing. Im sorry you have to go throug this. Keep your chin up sweety! ((((( )))))
My mom was Kidnapped By the FBI Today She told Me F@#$ OFF!!
by Sparkplug 63 Replies latest social family
So many beautiful comments before mine, Sparkplug. Allow me to say Im so sorry.
I had a really messed up mother too. I didnt cry for her when she died. I cried for myself.
You can only do so much for her. She is in a place to receive professional care.
The process of dying can be very capricious. With mental illness a loved one can be nice one day and mean the next. Try not to take it all too personally.
Even my father, who I loved with all my heart, gave me hateful looks before he died and said that 3 old Jewish rabbis were standing beside him giving him advice. (Dad was Episcopalean, so go figure)
Get your rest Sparky.
Anewme -
oh my sweet girl....
I hate that you are going through this. I remember when my great grandmother did (or does but they don't talk with me now) this to my grandmother. She used to think people were being shot outside of her window and would scream at night. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this.
I hope this makes you feel optimistic about the future. My great grandmother eventually got so crazy that she was happy. She couldn't get out of the bed and she got so confused that she couldn't think of conspiracy theories. She was basically confused but happy all of the time. That took a couple of years.
I do hope things get better and that maybe there is some medicine to help.
Hang in there!
Nina and Hal,
I took a few days off and just checked in. I thought I may need to go and check her into a psych ward, but the home convinced me to wait. They checked for a UTI saying that in older people that really messes them up and causes a lot of confusion and extreme craziness. That could be part of the problem. I found out today she has one and they are still going to finish letting the culture grow to know how to treat it. Then we will see how she does after treatment.
Gretchen, A few brownies courtesy of Hemp lover and a bunch of the most beautiful flowers, a fresh pair of socks, a cleaning streak and several deep breaths and meditative moments, and I am feeling better. I am on my way to take another nap. This has helped me some. I will go back to work tomorrow, lest I get used to this.
Raf~ I did take some time for myself and got addicted to myspace, read a lot, rested, listened to your music, and generally did nothing of responsibility. That helped. Thanks hon! (((huggs backatcha)))
need to unload on someone.
Oh so don't want to be my punching bag. I took it out on Mr Clean and some hard wood floors...hehe
BabaYaba~I will say it again. I just love you. I don't have a goddamn thing to say back but that.
Abandoned~I did just as you said and got a few days off. Eased up my mind some. I concidered leaving town for a bit but got talked out of it...for fear I wear myself out more.
Cog~ I EVEN got flowers.
The staff even have pictures of him caught in the act of having fun!
That gave me some hope there. Thanks
Separate out the "supposed-to-child" from "you-full-you". Before you do something for your mom, sit down and think through the impact on your soul. If deep in your heart you say, "I can't do this", then don't. This is part of the reform of a lifelong caretaker to learn to take care of herself. If your mom or your brother play the guilt-game. "A loving daughter would never..." "You should...", bring out that teflon box.
JNAT~ I totally understand what you are saying and have been there with several family members. We eill leave it at that. I do feel for you and totally understand you here. Thank you for the remminder. (PS I am being strong..Venting more like it) Just stepping through it...not gonna wallow.
Crumpet. Thanks for remembering me. I think of you a lot too. dancing on your bed. lol
My heart goes out to you Decki. One of the wards, in the Service that I manage, caters to severe dementia. I also regularly visit some of the old-folks homes, including those that care for the moderately demented. Its heart-rending just to visit those places, far less have a family member there.