at Lonelysheep's post
by What-A-Coincidence 18 Replies latest social humour
at Lonelysheep's post
Well...then I would have been on the fourth or fifth incarnation of the bible, if that was the case.
First one, run over by the car...second one, dropped in french onion soup...third just fritzed out! Fourth was old-fashioned so i upgraded to the fifth one....
what was the question again? ;)
brilliant lonelysheep!
If i treated my bible(if i still had one lol) like my mobile phone it would be very soggy cos my first phone fell in the bath, my second in a cup of juice and my last in a puddle, followed by the bath again 2 wks later!Oh yes and my husband dropped hisinto a lake!Talk about watering down the word of God! PS I'm not allowed a new phone now - can't think why!
what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phones???
I would use it to get sex dates?
sorry, could not help it...
Use the bible to call for help when the car breaks down in the middle of nowhere.
Wait for the bible to tell me that my boss needs me to do a job.
Use the bible to call out for pizza.
Us the bible as an alarm to wake me up.
Use the bible to see who has tried to reach me.
underbeliever and lonely sheep = wooohoooo!!!! really funny
It would also be a bit strange to have to turn your Bible off when you went into the Kingdom Hall
What? Like we didn't?