A comment by Rubadub in the thread about learning new things at the meetings made me remember something, and gave me a chuckle.
I would always see how fast I could look up the scriptures during the talks, and race to beat most everyone else. Of course everyone else didn't realize I was racing them, but I'd always feel a smug (and perhaps a bit self-righteous) satisfaction at having the scripture looked up and ready to follow along while from the sights and sounds around me most everyone else was still looking it up. Being able to look up Jehovah's word with such speed would surely earn me spiritual brownie points.
Oh, and woe to the person still looking up the scripture when the reader started, for they would get a withering barrage of mental tsks from me! Unless they were sitting beside me then I'd have to show them the page number... while still getting a barrage of mental tsks.
Did anyone else have a silly pride in being able to look up scriptures with alacrity?