It was'nt that I was quick, but I certainly gave the appearance of being so. The trick I used was to employ certain mnemonics. For instance I knew that the Scripture in question was either on the right or the left, top or bottom of the page, and so on.
Another was to remember how to distinguish between the First and second of certain books, like 1Tim and 2Tim. I Tim 3 was about the elders, 2Tim 3 about the last days "hard to deal with"
Matt 24 was a cinch. Quoted so often by the WTS, my Bible was well thumbed at that place. The Gospel of John was a black hole, but then the GB did'nt use it much except insofar as they needed it as a rebuttal against some Christian doctrine.
The OT was'nt too bad, since as Blondie has pointed out, only a few stock verses are needed to sustain, at least superficially, WT doctrine. All you needed to know about Psalms for instance was 83:18 and 37:29 and so on. Again the top/down, right/left artifice helped.
Of course all this was totally dependant on my own particilar edition of the NWT, since my familiarity with its format facilitated the mnemonics. If I was given a different edition, like the large print, or even a different translation, then I was up the creek without a paddle, I tell ya.
But then no one dared. I mean I was an elder and all, was'nt I? I was considered a Top Gun, so there.
Little did they know. But it was fun. The adulation I mean. Possitively heady, like wine.